Free website and domain report on
Last Updated: 4th June, 2024 Update Now
Snoop Summary for
This is a free and comprehensive report about The domain is currently hosted on a server located in Japan with the IP address, where the local currency is JPY and Japanese is the local language. Our records indicate that is owned/operated by Yahoo Japan Corporation. is expected to earn an estimated $665,713 USD per day from advertising revenue. The sale of would possibly be worth $485,970,828 USD. This figure is based on the daily revenue potential of the website over a 24 month period. is unbelievably popular with an estimated 48,185,378 daily unique visitors. This report was last updated 4th June, 2024.
Snoop Score
5/5 (Perfect!)
$485,970,828 USD
Note: All valuation figures are estimates.
Worldwide Sensation
Note: Popularity is estimated.
Rank, Reach and Authority
Alexa Rank: | 38 |
Alexa Reach: | 0.0009% |
SEMrush Rank (US): | 2,198 |
SEMrush Authority Score: | 91 |
Moz Domain Authority: | 93 |
Moz Page Authority: | 75 |
Rank By Country
Country | Alexa Rank |
China | 691 |
Japan | 3 |
Taiwan, Province Of China | 182 |
United States | 838 |
Organic vs Paid (Google Ads)
Organic | Paid | |
Keywords: | 1,105,207 | 17 |
Traffic: | 1,494,252 | 19 |
Cost: | $910,805 USD | $2 USD |
Daily Visitors: | 48,185,378 |
Monthly Visitors: | 1,466,611,118 |
Yearly Visitors: | 17,587,662,970 |
Note: All visitors figures are estimates.
Visitors By Country
Country | Visitors (Unique) | Percentage |
China | Daily: 1,011,893 Monthly: 30,798,833 Yearly: 369,340,922 | 2.1% |
Japan | Daily: 45,053,328 Monthly: 1,371,281,395 Yearly: 16,444,464,877 | 93.5% |
Other | Daily: 1,397,376 Monthly: 42,531,722 Yearly: 510,042,226 | 2.9% |
Taiwan, Province Of China | Daily: 240,927 Monthly: 7,333,056 Yearly: 87,938,315 | 0.5% |
United States | Daily: 481,854 Monthly: 14,666,111 Yearly: 175,876,630 | 1% |
Note: All visitors figures are estimates.
Daily Revenue: | $665,713 USD |
Monthly Revenue: | $20,262,220 USD |
Yearly Revenue: | $242,985,409 USD |
Note: All revenue figures are estimates.
Revenue By Country
Country | Revenue | Percentage |
China | Daily: $20,711 USD Monthly: $630,378 USD Yearly: $7,559,523 USD | 3.1% |
Japan | Daily: $440,153 USD Monthly: $13,396,865 USD Yearly: $160,655,777 USD | 66.1% |
Other | Daily: $0 USD Monthly: $0 USD Yearly: $0 USD | <0.1% |
Taiwan, Province Of China | Daily: $395 USD Monthly: $12,018 USD Yearly: $144,115 USD | 0.1% |
United States | Daily: $204,455 USD Monthly: $6,222,959 USD Yearly: $74,625,993 USD | 30.7% |
Note: All revenue figures are estimates.
Backlinks Analysis (SEMrush)
Backlinks: | 3,053,103,182 |
Referring Domains: | 373,645 |
Referring IPs: | 190,284 | has 3,053,103,182 backlinks according to SEMrush. 83% of these backlinks are "dofollow" (follow) links which allow the flow of link equity to pass through, which may improve's search engine rankings. Other links are treated as 'hints' by search engines and may also pass link equity, depending on what search engines decide in each case.
100% of's backlinks are text and image links, which are ideal for SEO. Other backlink types may be unrecognized or ignored by search engines.
Top New Follow Links
Top Ranking Keywords (US)
Keyword: yahoo japan
Ranked Page:
Keyword: ヤフー
Ranked Page:
Keyword: ニュース
Ranked Page:
Keyword: 天気
Ranked Page:
Keyword: ヤフー ニュース
Ranked Page:
Domain Analysis
Value | Length | |
Domain: | | 11 |
Domain Name: | yahoo | 5 |
Extension (TLD): | cojp | 4 |
Page Speed Analysis
Average Load Time: | 1.02 seconds |
Load Time Comparison: | Faster than 70% of sites |
PageSpeed Insights
Avg. (All Categories)
Best Practices
Updated: 14th December, 2022
0.83 seconds
First Contentful Paint (FCP) 91%
0.00 seconds
First Input Delay (FID) 99%
Simulate loading on desktop
Indicates how well the page is performing and highlights opportunities where performance may be improved for This includes details about optimizing page load times which can result in a better user experience.Metrics
First Contentful Paint — 0.8 s
The time taken for the first image or text on the page to be rendered.
The time taken for the first image or text on the page to be rendered.
Cumulative Layout Shift — 0
Cumulative Layout Shift is the measurement of visible elements collective movement within the viewport.
View Data
Cumulative Layout Shift is the measurement of visible elements collective movement within the viewport.
View Data
Defer offscreen images
Time to Interactive can be slowed down by resources on the page. should consider lazy-loading offscreen and hidden images.
Time to Interactive can be slowed down by resources on the page. should consider lazy-loading offscreen and hidden images.
Minify CSS
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files can contribute to network payload sizes. should consider minifying CSS files.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files can contribute to network payload sizes. should consider minifying CSS files.
Minify JavaScript
JavaScript (JS) files can contribute to network payload sizes and increase script parse times. should consider minifying JS files.
JavaScript (JS) files can contribute to network payload sizes and increase script parse times. should consider minifying JS files.
Efficiently encode images — Potential savings of 84 KiB
Unoptimized images can consume more cellular data than what is necessary.
Unoptimized images can consume more cellular data than what is necessary.
URL | Resource Size (Bytes) | Potential Savings (Bytes) |
---|---|---| | 132593 | 85537 |
Enable text compression
Text-based resources should be served with compression, such as gzip, deflate or brotli.
Text-based resources should be served with compression, such as gzip, deflate or brotli.
Preconnect to required origins
Resource hints, such as 'preconnect' or 'dns-prefetch', may assist in establishing early connections to important third-party origins.
Resource hints, such as 'preconnect' or 'dns-prefetch', may assist in establishing early connections to important third-party origins.
Avoid multiple page redirects — Potential savings of 190 ms
Redirects can cause additional delays before the page can begin loading. should avoid multiple or unnecessary page redirects.
Redirects can cause additional delays before the page can begin loading. should avoid multiple or unnecessary page redirects.
URL | Time Spent (Ms) |
---|---| | 190 | | 0 |
Preload key requests
Key requests can be preloaded by using '<link rel=preload>'. should consider using '<link rel=preload>' to prioritize fetching resources that are currently requested later in page load.
Key requests can be preloaded by using '<link rel=preload>'. should consider using '<link rel=preload>' to prioritize fetching resources that are currently requested later in page load.
Use video formats for animated content
Large GIFs are inefficient for delivering animated content. It is recommended to use MPEG4/WebM videos for animations and PNG/WebP for static images instead of GIF.
Large GIFs are inefficient for delivering animated content. It is recommended to use MPEG4/WebM videos for animations and PNG/WebP for static images instead of GIF.
Remove duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles
Ensure that no duplicate JavaScript modules from bundles exist to reduce bytes consumed by network activity.
Ensure that no duplicate JavaScript modules from bundles exist to reduce bytes consumed by network activity.
Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers — Potential savings of 21 KiB
Polyfills and transforms enable legacy browsers to use new JavaScript features. For bundled JavaScript it is recommended to adopt a modern script deployment strategy using module/nomodule feature detection. This will reduce the amount of code shipped to modern browsers.
Polyfills and transforms enable legacy browsers to use new JavaScript features. For bundled JavaScript it is recommended to adopt a modern script deployment strategy using module/nomodule feature detection. This will reduce the amount of code shipped to modern browsers.
URL | Potential Savings (Bytes) |
---|---| | 14792 | | 5495 | | 218 | | 186 | | 169 | | 86 | | 65 |
Preload Largest Contentful Paint image
It is recommended to preload images used by LCP elements, to improve LCP time.
It is recommended to preload images used by LCP elements, to improve LCP time.
URL | Potential Savings (Ms) |
---|---| | 0 |
Avoids enormous network payloads — Total size was 2,216 KiB
Large network payloads can cost users money and are linked to long load times.
Large network payloads can cost users money and are linked to long load times.
URL | Transfer Size (Bytes) |
---|---| | 599440 | | 228085 | | 132876 | | 132749 | | 104501 | | 100288 | | 56152 | | 54928 | | 50696 | | 42333 |
Avoid chaining critical requests — 7 chains found
Below is a list of Critical Request Chains, which shows which resources are loaded with a high priority. should consider reducing the length of chains, reducing the download size of resources, or deferring the download of unnecessary resources to improve page load.
Below is a list of Critical Request Chains, which shows which resources are loaded with a high priority. should consider reducing the length of chains, reducing the download size of resources, or deferring the download of unnecessary resources to improve page load.
User Timing marks and measures — 9 user timings
Make use of the User Timing API to measure an app's real-world performance during key user experiences.
Make use of the User Timing API to measure an app's real-world performance during key user experiences.
Name | Type | Start Time (Ms) | Duration (Ms) |
mark_pe | Mark | 2984.314 | |
mark_pot_isc | Mark | 3086.782 | |
mark_pot_ist | Mark | 3090.281 | |
mark_fs | Mark | 3113.235 | |
mark_qoes | Mark | 3123.648 | |
mark_pot_if | Mark | 3492.559 | |
mark_pot_cms | Mark | 3493.277 | |
mark_pot_cmf | Mark | 3494.797 | |
mark_ol | Mark | 3862.99 |
Keep request counts low and transfer sizes small — 146 requests • 2,216 KiB
It is advised to add a budgets.json file in order to set budgets for the quantity and size of page resources.
It is advised to add a budgets.json file in order to set budgets for the quantity and size of page resources.
Resource Type | Requests | Transfer Size (Bytes) |
Total | 146 | 2269187 |
Script | 42 | 1441311 |
Image | 58 | 494043 |
Stylesheet | 2 | 155197 |
Document | 7 | 84818 |
Other | 35 | 70426 |
Font | 2 | 23392 |
Media | 0 | 0 |
Third-party | 109 | 2181848 |
Largest Contentful Paint element — 1 element found
The element which was identified as the Largest Contentful Paint.
The element which was identified as the Largest Contentful Paint.
Element |
Largest Contentful Paint image was not lazily loaded
Above-the-fold images that are lazily loaded render later in the page lifecycle, which can delay the largest contentful paint.
Above-the-fold images that are lazily loaded render later in the page lifecycle, which can delay the largest contentful paint.
Element |
Avoid large layout shifts
Below is a list of all DOM elements that contribute to the CLS of the page.
Below is a list of all DOM elements that contribute to the CLS of the page.
Avoid long main-thread tasks — 6 long tasks found
Below is a list of the longest tasks on the main thread, which is useful when identifying the worst input delay contributors.
Below is a list of the longest tasks on the main thread, which is useful when identifying the worst input delay contributors.
URL | Start Time (Ms) | Duration (Ms) |
---|---|---| | 4207 | 192 | | 2290 | 98 | | 2738 | 84 | | 4770 | 83 | | 4660 | 82 | | 4420 | 80 |
Avoid non-composited animations — 15 animated elements found
It is recommended to avoid non-composited animations which are often janky and increase CLS.
It is recommended to avoid non-composited animations which are often janky and increase CLS.
Element | Name |
Image elements have explicit `width` and `height`
Reduce layout shifts and improve CLS by setting explicit width and height properties on image elements.
Reduce layout shifts and improve CLS by setting explicit width and height properties on image elements.
Has a `<meta name="viewport">` tag with `width` or `initial-scale`
It is advised to use a '<meta name="viewport">' tag for the optimization of on mobile screens.
It is advised to use a '<meta name="viewport">' tag for the optimization of on mobile screens.
Performance budget
It is advised to keep the quantity and size of all network requests under the targets set by the provided performance budget.
It is advised to keep the quantity and size of all network requests under the targets set by the provided performance budget.
Timing budget
It is advised to set a timing budget to monitor the performance of your site.
It is advised to set a timing budget to monitor the performance of your site.
Network Requests
Below is a list of network requests that were made during page load.
Below is a list of network requests that were made during page load.
URL | Protocol | Start Time (Ms) | End Time (Ms) | Transfer Size (Bytes) | Resource Size (Bytes) | Status Code | MIME Type | Resource Type |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | http/1.1 | 0 | 472.81099995598 | 301 | 0 | 301 | text/html | | | h2 | 473.60799997114 | 1196.0159998853 | 38361 | 149848 | 200 | text/html | Document | | h2 | 1205.0109999254 | 1386.6439999547 | 104501 | 282748 | 200 | text/css | Stylesheet | | h2 | 1205.3379998542 | 1832.8370000236 | 228085 | 678796 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 1205.4629998747 | 1835.0060000084 | 26518 | 119545 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 1851.3609999791 | 2505.9249999467 | 15126 | 14852 | 200 | image/webp | Image | | h2 | 1851.4789999463 | 2479.4619998429 | 22421 | 22119 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 1839.9509999435 | 2001.6979998909 | 15478 | 64030 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 1850.6340000313 | 2011.921999976 | 6741 | 16514 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 1851.5999999363 | 2019.0599998459 | 14812 | 14599 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 1851.8290000502 | 2014.5529999863 | 4553 | 4824 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 1851.8949998543 | 2016.1089999601 | 5145 | 5398 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 1852.0459998399 | 2328.7219998892 | 6911 | 6644 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 1852.1640000399 | 2015.8440000378 | 5568 | 5319 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 1852.2459999658 | 2015.4359999578 | 5819 | 5570 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 1852.4599999655 | 2015.6029998325 | 3147 | 2899 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 1852.5600000285 | 2020.4449999146 | 7934 | 7686 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 1852.7049999684 | 2019.3829999771 | 6706 | 6457 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 1852.8080000542 | 2015.2129998896 | 10617 | 10367 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 1850.8549998514 | 2018.293999834 | 13861 | 37396 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 1851.1079999153 | 2014.9199999869 | 20825 | 83346 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 1851.2589999009 | 2018.6959998682 | 531 | 23 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 1852.9319998343 | 1889.3389999866 | 13244 | 37537 | 200 | application/javascript | Script |
data | 1856.2969998457 | 1856.3790000044 | 0 | 360 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1858.0069998279 | 1858.21700003 | 0 | 4651 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1859.9099998828 | 1860.0049999077 | 0 | 2050 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1861.5439999849 | 1861.6390000097 | 0 | 1377 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1863.4089999832 | 1863.4929999243 | 0 | 492 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1865.9879998304 | 1866.0899999086 | 0 | 434 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1867.5750000402 | 1867.6539999433 | 0 | 968 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1869.8350000195 | 1870.0039999094 | 0 | 2409 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1872.0259999391 | 1872.1039998345 | 0 | 222 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1873.7190000247 | 1873.8059999887 | 0 | 310 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1875.2299998887 | 1875.3229998983 | 0 | 122 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1946.5129999444 | 1946.5830000117 | 0 | 449 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1948.693000013 | 1948.8359999377 | 0 | 2628 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1949.9099999666 | 1949.9839998316 | 0 | 945 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1951.0869998485 | 1951.1569999158 | 0 | 575 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1952.7669998351 | 1953.0119998381 | 0 | 9473 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1954.8289999366 | 1955.0840000156 | 0 | 9627 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1956.7139998544 | 1956.8900000304 | 0 | 2787 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1958.4969999269 | 1958.5769998375 | 0 | 609 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1960.0199998822 | 1960.1159999147 | 0 | 808 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 1998.8069999963 | 1998.9930000156 | 0 | 3341 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2000.3390000202 | 2000.4020000342 | 0 | 411 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2001.7119999975 | 2001.7939999234 | 0 | 1059 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2003.0449999031 | 2003.1220000237 | 0 | 770 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2004.2260000482 | 2004.3069999665 | 0 | 809 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2005.4949999321 | 2005.5859999266 | 0 | 1327 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2006.6469998565 | 2006.7300000228 | 0 | 963 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2007.9459999688 | 2008.021999849 | 0 | 910 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2009.42999986 | 2009.5269999001 | 0 | 1160 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2010.7749998569 | 2010.8749999199 | 0 | 2007 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2012.1279999148 | 2012.2239999473 | 0 | 1773 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2013.682999881 | 2013.787999982 | 0 | 1169 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2015.0490000378 | 2015.1349999942 | 0 | 807 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2016.3189999294 | 2016.4499999955 | 0 | 2805 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2017.5799999852 | 2017.6609999035 | 0 | 308 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | | | h2 | 2035.1849999279 | 2196.379999863 | 2091 | 4674 | 200 | text/html | Document |
data | 2044.0690000542 | 2044.132999843 | 0 | 451 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2045.4019999597 | 2045.4700000118 | 0 | 551 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2046.9439998269 | 2047.0679998398 | 0 | 2392 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2048.3329999261 | 2048.4549999237 | 0 | 3466 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2049.561999971 | 2049.6300000232 | 0 | 960 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2050.7869999856 | 2050.8749999572 | 0 | 1620 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2052.0219998434 | 2052.1249999292 | 0 | 1724 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2053.4359999001 | 2053.5079999827 | 0 | 1375 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2054.6199998353 | 2054.6819998417 | 0 | 854 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2055.6919998489 | 2055.7569998782 | 0 | 780 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2056.925999932 | 2056.9879999384 | 0 | 844 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2058.1809999421 | 2058.2459999714 | 0 | 700 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2059.5149998553 | 2059.6099998802 | 0 | 1524 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2060.6239999179 | 2060.6729998253 | 0 | 205 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2062.8319999669 | 2062.8959999885 | 0 | 498 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2063.9889999293 | 2064.0519999433 | 0 | 426 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2065.3709999751 | 2065.4439998325 | 0 | 542 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2066.455999855 | 2066.5249999147 | 0 | 426 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | | | h2 | 2136.3659999333 | 2301.3420000207 | 2217 | 6681 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2167.3889998347 | 2336.5849999245 | 132876 | 132593 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image |
data | 2171.6769998893 | 2171.8480000272 | 0 | 1800 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2173.7329999451 | 2173.8259999547 | 0 | 1129 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2175.743999891 | 2175.8499999996 | 0 | 1741 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2177.2429998964 | 2177.3129999638 | 0 | 333 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2215.5279999133 | 2215.668000048 | 0 | 921 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2217.1640000306 | 2217.2530000098 | 0 | 510 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2218.8760000281 | 2218.9660000149 | 0 | 677 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2221.3179999962 | 2221.3949998841 | 0 | 573 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2222.5470000412 | 2222.63199999 | 0 | 570 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2224.0239998791 | 2224.1070000455 | 0 | 570 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2225.3709998913 | 2225.4439999815 | 0 | 560 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | | | h2 | 2236.0169999301 | 2876.1139998678 | 504 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | http/1.1 | 2271.4390000328 | 2760.8580000233 | 714 | 477 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | http/1.1 | 2282.0830000564 | 2762.3809999786 | 730 | 540 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2408.2479998469 | 3113.1359999999 | 679 | 126 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2412.5299998559 | 2597.8059999179 | 504 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | h2 | 2414.0659999102 | 2582.6589998323 | 504 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | h2 | 2415.6690000091 | 2590.354999993 | 504 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | h2 | 2419.087999966 | 3283.4139999468 | 27674 | 107513 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2420.5459998921 | 2603.7579998374 | 504 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR |
data | 2423.148999922 | 2423.2570000459 | 0 | 306 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | | | h2 | 2439.9589998648 | 2625.4269999918 | 504 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR |
data | 2469.2559998948 | 2469.4829999935 | 0 | 2649 | 200 | image/png | Image | |
data | 2471.6059998609 | 2471.7180000152 | 0 | 313 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | | | h2 | 2491.6509999894 | 2512.6099998597 | 2165 | 1046 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2496.5859998483 | 2664.0810000245 | 504 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | http/1.1 | 2500.1379998866 | 2980.7599999476 | 708 | 467 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | http/1.1 | 2500.887000002 | 3156.4179998823 | 357 | 25 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | http/1.1 | 2501.6459999606 | 2979.6690000221 | 1754 | 2236 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2512.2660000343 | 2681.2879999634 | 23987 | 89536 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2519.0679999068 | 2532.2479999159 | 54928 | 165584 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2555.5139998905 | 2622.7680000011 | 29520 | 70160 | 200 | text/html | Document | | h2 | 2633.5699998308 | 2685.3189999238 | 50696 | 368296 | 200 | text/css | Stylesheet | | h2 | 2633.6959998589 | 2646.4749998413 | 100288 | 322070 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2633.8749998249 | 2678.2299999613 | 599440 | 2155969 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2634.3989998568 | 2660.8239999041 | 3587 | 9615 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2639.7859998979 | 2647.2499999218 | 11676 | 10748 | 200 | font/woff2 | Font | | h2 | 2640.2429998852 | 2647.4719999824 | 11716 | 10788 | 200 | font/woff2 | Font | | h2 | 2709.3789998908 | 2870.1489998493 | 17274 | 42803 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2767.4539999571 | 2941.5329999756 | 823 | 173 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2768.0539998692 | 3252.5299999397 | 819 | 169 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | http/1.1 | 3024.5870000217 | 3231.6929998342 | 898 | 0 | 302 | text/html | | | h2 | 3035.4589999188 | 3041.8449998833 | 865 | 29 | 200 | text/javascript | Script |$rpc/google.internal.waa.v1.Waa/Create | h2 | 3093.7489999924 | 3101.6949999612 | 675 | 0 | 200 | text/html | Preflight |$rpc/google.internal.waa.v1.Waa/Create | h2 | 3102.1859999746 | 3123.4399999958 | 31072 | 66769 | 200 | application/json+protobuf | XHR |,0.001:ER&cmt=0.001:0.000,0.001:0.000&error=0.001:html5.missingapi::0.000:nocodecs.1;a6s.0&vis=0.001:0&bh=0.001:0.000 | h2 | 3135.9939998947 | 3146.6879998334 | 569 | 0 | 204 | text/html | XHR | | h2 | 3157.0669999346 | 3165.4519999865 | 15228 | 37088 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3218.8099999912 | 3226.1339998804 | 9048 | 26489 | 200 | text/javascript | Script |
data | 3222.9779998306 | 3223.0640000198 | 0 | 262 | 200 | image/png | Image | | | h2 | 3232.0580000523 | 3243.6529998668 | 993 | 100 | 200 | application/json | XHR | | h2 | 3235.9799998812 | 3415.008999873 | 502 | 168 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3236.641000025 | 3724.869000027 | 503 | 169 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | 3245.4329999164 | 3273.5210000537 | 0 | 0 | -1 | Ping | || | h2 | 3250.0079998281 | 3956.5879998263 | 223 | 11 | 200 | application/json | XHR | | h2 | 3255.1070000045 | 3416.7509998661 | 1034 | 1154 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3255.4430000018 | 3891.4299998432 | 523 | 43 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | http/1.1 | 3255.8289999142 | 3467.0949999709 | 687 | 0 | 303 | text/plain | | | http/1.1 | 3256.2149998266 | 3466.1270000506 | 754 | 0 | 302 | text/html | | | http/1.1 | 3256.4739999361 | 3915.2150000446 | 569 | 0 | 303 | application/json | | | http/1.1 | 3256.8019998726 | 4091.9810000341 | 490 | 0 | 302 | image/gif | | | http/1.1 | 3257.1399998851 | 3466.894999845 | 762 | 0 | 302 | text/plain | |$rpc/google.internal.waa.v1.Waa/GenerateIT | h2 | 3450.024999911 | 3458.0969999079 | 675 | 0 | 200 | text/html | Preflight |$rpc/google.internal.waa.v1.Waa/GenerateIT | h2 | 3458.3979998715 | 3470.8650000393 | 789 | 94 | 200 | application/json+protobuf | XHR | | http/1.1 | 3466.3539999165 | 4141.3269999903 | 480 | 0 | 302 | image/gif | | | http/1.1 | 3467.0740000438 | 3951.2739998754 | 363 | 0 | 302 | text/plain | | | http/1.1 | 3467.2939998563 | 3681.2219999265 | 640 | 0 | 302 | text/plain | | | h2 | 3482.4289998505 | 3657.450000057 | 504 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | 3484.3510000501 | 3504.2139999568 | 0 | 0 | -1 | Ping | || | h2 | 3590.2119998354 | 3602.6540000457 | 28368 | 82145 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3591.855000006 | 3623.4899999108 | 7043 | 28560 | 200 | application/javascript | Script |
data | 3594.4359998684 | 3594.5170000196 | 0 | 122 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | | | h2 | 3643.0869998876 | 4430.4629999679 | 7664 | 7411 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3643.3399999514 | 4605.0100000575 | 4514 | 4240 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3643.5209999327 | 4427.7520000469 | 8184 | 7932 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3643.8779998571 | 4424.9690000433 | 3100 | 2825 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3644.0739999525 | 4424.4629999157 | 4910 | 4659 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3644.2809998989 | 4324.4590000249 | 4807 | 4556 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3644.5059999824 | 4460.5149999261 | 5183 | 4932 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3644.7809999809 | 4606.6999998875 | 9233 | 8981 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3645.0389998499 | 4272.9330000002 | 5827 | 5575 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3650.3589998465 | 4293.8319998793 | 4433 | 4182 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3653.4990000073 | 4273.4629998449 | 4776 | 4501 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3653.7740000058 | 4301.2269998435 | 5809 | 5557 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3653.907999862 | 4426.7400000244 | 9625 | 9373 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3654.1039999574 | 4425.3169998992 | 3876 | 3624 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3654.2670000345 | 4283.8800000027 | 4115 | 3864 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3654.4589998666 | 4430.1119998563 | 4511 | 4260 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3654.7149999533 | 4283.516000025 | 3178 | 2899 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3654.8669999465 | 4469.3030000199 | 16160 | 15909 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3655.0259999931 | 4427.5089998264 | 4554 | 4302 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3655.1749999635 | 4278.2250000164 | 5052 | 4777 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3655.3370000329 | 4309.0269998647 | 7093 | 6842 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3655.5259998422 | 4300.7900000084 | 3511 | 3259 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3655.6689999998 | 4428.0230000149 | 12423 | 12173 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3655.8840000071 | 4442.5470000133 | 42333 | 42059 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 3656.0339999851 | 4307.2029999457 | 4035 | 3784 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3656.2059998978 | 4278.776000021 | 4756 | 4504 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3656.3669999596 | 4285.1700000465 | 6344 | 6093 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3656.5429999027 | 4468.8539998606 | 23704 | 23452 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3656.7309999373 | 4589.6159999538 | 6073 | 5823 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3656.9260000251 | 4308.6869998369 | 4996 | 4721 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3657.079000026 | 4428.2639999874 | 6279 | 6028 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3657.2149998974 | 4301.5509999823 | 3553 | 3279 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3671.4319998864 | 3850.6960000377 | 613 | 464 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3682.3099998292 | 3845.4889999703 | 739 | 35 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | h2 | 3852.2449999582 | 3859.2309998348 | 268 | 0 | 204 | text/plain | Image | | h2 | 3906.4489998855 | 3921.8579998706 | 132749 | 389379 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3908.2909999415 | 3922.5299998652 | 1008 | 94 | 200 | application/json | XHR | | h2 | 3915.4809999745 | 4077.5289998855 | 739 | 35 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | h2 | 3921.427999856 | 4405.6969999801 | 503 | 169 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3922.840999905 | 3953.5499999765 | 56152 | 199677 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3951.5599999577 | 4115.1290000416 | 717 | 35 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | h2 | 4008.9010000229 | 4024.5300000533 | 758 | 107 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 4037.1119999327 | 4176.6409999691 | 10664 | 20187 | 200 | text/plain | XHR | | h2 | 4040.7310000155 | 4061.9579998311 | 3474 | 6162 | 200 | text/html | Document | | h2 | 4072.9010000359 | 4098.1590000447 | 4091 | 12185 | 200 | text/html | Document | | http/1.1 | 4092.2779999673 | 4111.4310000557 | 978 | 0 | 302 | text/html | | | h2 | 4111.6730000358 | 4125.4889999982 | 636 | 170 | 200 | image/png | Image |,&c13=asid,P2ED650F9-2101-4CB9-845D-ED37E7119BAD&sessionId=2rxq4qh1xskiieube7zqil3dc61cz1671023914&c16=sdkv,bj.6.0.0&uoo=&fp_id=&fp_cr_tm=&fp_acc_tm=&fp_emm_tm=&ve_id=&c30=bldv, | h2 | 4125.3179998603 | 4152.3949999828 | 943 | 44 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | h2 | 4125.9679999202 | 4235.914999852 | 467 | 35 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | http/1.1 | 4141.6060000192 | 4283.1709999591 | 689 | 43 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | h2 | 4217.7239998709 | 4242.8999999538 | 601 | 0 | 204 | image/gif | Fetch |[UACH]&urlfix=1&adurl= | 4221.6409998946 | 0 | 0 | -1 | Fetch | ||| | 4222.5490000565 | 4236.8429999333 | 0 | 0 | -1 | Script | || | h2 | 4238.9219999313 | 4719.0359998494 | 502 | 168 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | 4673.5429998953 | 4676.1969998479 | 0 | 0 | -1 | Ping | || | h2 | 4724.3349999189 | 4742.3759999219 | 11695 | 14638 | 200 | application/json | XHR | | h2 | 4747.5850000046 | 4814.3229999114 | 7166 | 17314 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 4823.5859998967 | 4832.1620000061 | 5856 | 12817 | 200 | text/html | Document | | h2 | 4825.4350000061 | 4848.3949999791 | 1425 | 783 | 200 | text/html | Document | | h2 | 4847.4719999358 | 4854.4149999507 | 16850 | 36629 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 4861.506999936 | 4871.7989998404 | 516 | 0 | 204 | text/html | Image | | h2 | 5041.6539998259 | 5047.1429999452 | 268 | 0 | 204 | text/plain | Image |!ExClEFTNAAYgquz3AKo7ACkAdvg8WmbhuL_uklgIFJc0tQUEybTzGiLMC5owCmU8xrcNo4uSevU7WAIAAADzUgAAAANoAQcKAB5QPaMDrzUGrsaGewGIHKLg_XBdjjWiYXJAZ9aAY26ZAvR2M2w9MYtA8x4wkFiIwNoOBDiogke0GpbJ_ffQHq_mY1nyJOzIlsMMv1RDgqmAB5oWNb-zQVR5mm70d2kIYMeqifxM2tpglbjVcSlUXvuTxhyTB9JspZP4uQnF7PjgqEcWONKX5axFbdrQLm_KJjt3JMw3zCN9J7eoUqSPfSgBn4oORt6egZuYU7jDuv4mWIkxdiSHfZItiY3pL5spkNJ5lMEDoUFhYEH89KjNPsUQ257d-NM3JTdbKl_hPKCHmsSygFjpgUYBzr8EtoXftMxe-WrlNk_n3hBBW6sdtLI7pvWZ56kcY2N2epUsA6VUTrO4m-oIL6v0pKSHg6qT_DwGS7iuk57MdHZ5tvkVu0KhKGFzGeFo50ykMfTQI9CtGxACyvlp9XUk-3GQKyRHKC6F5JlLNR5zJW9cfoRZxGsuq11u344L_XjWYu0Csa1dfP0wJV7LM4gbXYjxhUhPYWWNzuCeqWXmas_duRTWeBhC8MfACSbe3ZBtPqsVGZbCtgkRgJQY31J5sTMWConGMG_i03ibUjzae4-1gnv7eiWzciB_Uv7XNVIP_1TCgZCqqHIiQukEtzDWJHmbUgUFLxd6RDA_5GBqzeZCy8OoYXabJoMHov4gyC0GukplpYjxtL56yf5ZKJo-J99t3LKtkaoOqPxF_E0lRh7bQ1Tge1DS1Ahdk4MnwnPlw01PwsAn7LjK92SgV_5XAH-m7wKpctLqlhE6MeKJv4KhbWXJ0krBk2ndf6QnnkxriRwl8lVSBzxG7fuqjTLMmE9lG9_ANVHUdTTIEfyzPyd-PpplmBkRK7IUUx5Log6s6ul8PecCgCp2geVK403caiss0m822M67zJqmB8bmzy1IuGxIV2sP7cI0_IS2f0-2KCXtsX4PVYLq6BQB9PmsdgNSxhRM_kR3LyQYz9wVO9nyzddCoBCZqfUdyWKgAorivVrGCzHHRLIUWll10AJN_CpRkLWqIsQNdAOsF2qVv9Qu1d2f9waDhYgC66E | h2 | 5632.5679998845 | 5646.9829999842 | 516 | 0 | 204 | text/html | Image | | h2 | 5674.0520000458 | 5692.9089999758 | 508 | 28 | 200 | application/json | XHR |,c01&ca=NA&c13=asid,P2ED650F9-2101-4CB9-845D-ED37E7119BAD&c32=segA,NA&c33=segB,segb01&c34=segC,NA&c15=apn,&sup=1&segment2=&segment1=&forward=0&plugv=&playerv=&ad=0&cr=V&c9=devid,&enc=true&c1=nuid,ijnkzmdlyuqvn0rabgaveu9j5gzdt1671023914&at=view&rt=text&c16=sdkv,bj.6.0.0&c27=cln,0&crs=&lat=&lon=&c29=plid,16710239143554461&c30=bldv,,&c8=devgrp,&c10=plt,&c40=adbid,&c14=osver,NA&c26=dmap,1&dd=&hrd=&wkd=&c35=adrsid,&c36=cref1,&c37=cref2,&c11=agg,1&c12=apv,&c51=adl,0&c52=noad,0&pc=NA&c53=fef,n&c54=oad,&c55=cref3,&c57=adldf,2&ai=1um0as5e068&c3=st,c&c64=starttm,1671023915&adid=1um0as5e068&c58=isLive,false&c59=sesid,&c61=createtm,1671023916&c63=pipMode,&uoo=&c68=bndlid,&nodeTM=&logTM=&c73=phtype,&c74=dvcnm,&c76=adbsnid,&c44=progen,&davty=0&,&sdd=&c62=sendTime,1671023916&rnd=754310 | h2 | 6101.4189999551 | 6139.9949998595 | 776 | 44 | 200 | image/gif | Image |
Network Round Trip Times — 0 ms
High Network RTT (Round Trip Times) can have a large impact on performance. Providing servers geographically closer to the user could improve performance.
High Network RTT (Round Trip Times) can have a large impact on performance. Providing servers geographically closer to the user could improve performance.
Server Backend Latencies — 0 ms
High server latencies indicate the server is overloaded or has a poor backend performance.
High server latencies indicate the server is overloaded or has a poor backend performance.
Below is a list of the top-level main thread tasks that executed during page load.
Below is a list of the top-level main thread tasks that executed during page load.
Start Time (Ms) | End Time (Ms) |
1200.346 | 13.032 |
1388.6 | 5.117 |
1841.435 | 9.77 |
1853.937 | 88.784 |
1946.06 | 48.231 |
1998.081 | 32.723 |
2043.611 | 77.522 |
2122.527 | 15.454 |
2138.534 | 7.258 |
2150.952 | 18.161 |
2169.216 | 23.121 |
2197.788 | 55.577 |
2253.89 | 7.079 |
2262.896 | 6.884 |
2272.288 | 5.428 |
2279.712 | 196.93 |
2476.844 | 11.254 |
2544.932 | 10.981 |
2626.664 | 8.825 |
2687.412 | 8.59 |
2698.155 | 11.988 |
2712.298 | 16.737 |
2816.403 | 7.461 |
2823.892 | 191.897 |
3021.101 | 20.673 |
3043.483 | 16.95 |
3061.329 | 160.966 |
3222.36 | 10.226 |
3237.65 | 21.127 |
3288.535 | 164.622 |
3457.549 | 6.662 |
3471.206 | 5.965 |
3490.198 | 5.093 |
3496.826 | 5.817 |
3505.52 | 84.092 |
3593.252 | 38.208 |
3631.508 | 20.061 |
3652.586 | 11.022 |
3663.634 | 5.548 |
3672.483 | 7.865 |
3682.611 | 6.083 |
3689.031 | 166.282 |
3864.871 | 16.811 |
3893.063 | 17.133 |
3910.724 | 5.515 |
3954.994 | 85.186 |
4040.297 | 5.358 |
4055.708 | 17.382 |
4078.165 | 7.119 |
4105.324 | 6.906 |
4178.774 | 49.634 |
4228.507 | 8.754 |
4252.748 | 6.254 |
4282.775 | 5.122 |
4316.678 | 5.187 |
4728.059 | 17.732 |
4818.056 | 6.508 |
4835.903 | 6.332 |
4851.889 | 6.189 |
4862.519 | 23.546 |
4892.658 | 13.343 |
4906.197 | 11.625 |
4918.954 | 13.42 |
4938.286 | 23.748 |
4962.593 | 18.03 |
4984.655 | 12.16 |
5000.1 | 15.779 |
5025.545 | 16.457 |
5042.085 | 11.846 |
5055.69 | 14.262 |
5069.978 | 14.324 |
5084.37 | 11.191 |
5095.702 | 12.11 |
5108.148 | 7.558 |
5287.964 | 8.868 |
5666.773 | 9.775 |
6024.013 | 9.989 |
6093.271 | 8.776 |
6296.775 | 7.638 |
7066.499 | 8.501 |
7169.419 | 5.584 |
Script Treemap Data
Provide as required, for treemap app.
Provide as required, for treemap app.
Time to Interactive — 4.4 s
The time taken for the page to become fully interactive.
The time taken for the page to become fully interactive.
Total Blocking Time — 200 ms
The total blocking time is the sum of all time periods between First Contentful Paint and Time to Interactive (when task length exceeded 50ms).
The total blocking time is the sum of all time periods between First Contentful Paint and Time to Interactive (when task length exceeded 50ms).
Largest Contentful Paint — 1.6 s
The timing of the largest text or image that is painted.
The timing of the largest text or image that is painted.
Max Potential First Input Delay — 190 ms
Users could experience a delay when interacting with the page.
Users could experience a delay when interacting with the page.
Eliminate render-blocking resources — Potential savings of 230 ms
Resources, such as JavaScript and style sheets, can block the first paint of the page. should consider delivering critical JavaScript/style sheets (JS/CSS) inline and deferring all non-critical JS/CSS.
Resources, such as JavaScript and style sheets, can block the first paint of the page. should consider delivering critical JavaScript/style sheets (JS/CSS) inline and deferring all non-critical JS/CSS.
URL | Transfer Size (Bytes) | Potential Savings (Ms) |
---|---|---| | 104501 | 350 |
Properly size images — Potential savings of 191 KiB
Images can slow down the page's load time. should consider serving more appropriate-sized images.
Images can slow down the page's load time. should consider serving more appropriate-sized images.
URL | Resource Size (Bytes) | Potential Savings (Bytes) |
---|---|---| | 42059 | 31544 | | 23452 | 17589 | | 22119 | 16589 | | 14599 | 12569 | | 15909 | 11932 | | 14852 | 11837 | | 12173 | 9130 | | 10367 | 7775 | | 9373 | 7030 | | 8981 | 6736 | | 7932 | 5949 | | 7686 | 5765 | | 7411 | 5558 | | 6842 | 5132 | | 6644 | 4983 | | 6457 | 4843 | | 6093 | 4570 | | 6028 | 4521 | | 5145 | 4509 | | 5823 | 4367 | | 5575 | 4181 | | 5570 | 4178 | | 5557 | 4168 |
Reduce unused CSS — Potential savings of 100 KiB
Dead and/or unused rules in Style Sheets (CSS) can contribute to network payload sizes. should consider removing dead rules from style sheets and deferring the loading of CSS not used for above-the-fold content.
Dead and/or unused rules in Style Sheets (CSS) can contribute to network payload sizes. should consider removing dead rules from style sheets and deferring the loading of CSS not used for above-the-fold content.
URL | Transfer Size (Bytes) | Potential Savings (Bytes) |
---|---|---| | 104501 | 53361 | | 50696 | 48944 |
Serve images in next-gen formats — Potential savings of 143 KiB
Consider JPEG 2000, JPEG XR or WebP image formats which provide better compression than PNG and JPEG.
Consider JPEG 2000, JPEG XR or WebP image formats which provide better compression than PNG and JPEG.
URL | Resource Size (Bytes) | Potential Savings (Bytes) |
---|---|---| | 132593 | 109030.6 | | 42059 | 37230.8 |
Reduce JavaScript execution time — 1.5 s
JavaScript (JS) execution time can be lowered by reducing the time required for parsing, compiling and executing JS. Delivering smaller JS payloads may help with this.
JavaScript (JS) execution time can be lowered by reducing the time required for parsing, compiling and executing JS. Delivering smaller JS payloads may help with this.
URL | Total CPU Time (Ms) | Script Evaluation (Ms) | Script Parse (Ms) |
---|---|---|---| | 499.141 | 25.434 | 4.299 | | 473.304 | 446.963 | 6.906 | | 402.329 | 249.412 | 45.927 | | 234.487 | 176.112 | 13.675 |
Unattributable | 222.509 | 2.258 | 0 | | 191.687 | 181.025 | 1.8 | | 140.428 | 121.813 | 10.851 | | 94.287 | 90.657 | 1.184 | | 84.092 | 72.04 | 1.971 | | 62.572 | 23.942 | 3.753 | | 62.559 | 17.092 | 1.191 |
Minimize main-thread work — 2.8 s
Main-thread work timing can be lowered by reducing the time required for parsing, compiling and executing JS. Delivering smaller JS payloads may help with this.
Main-thread work timing can be lowered by reducing the time required for parsing, compiling and executing JS. Delivering smaller JS payloads may help with this.
Category | Time Spent (Ms) |
Script Evaluation | 1631.672 |
Style & Layout | 335.372 |
Other | 320.693 |
Rendering | 200.763 |
Garbage Collection | 155.963 |
Script Parsing & Compilation | 124.921 |
Parse HTML & CSS | 35.329 |
Speed Index — 2.9 s
The time taken for the page contents to be visibly populated.
The time taken for the page contents to be visibly populated.
First Meaningful Paint — 2.4 s
The time taken for the primary content of the page to be rendered.
The time taken for the primary content of the page to be rendered.
Reduce unused JavaScript — Potential savings of 654 KiB
It is advised to remove unused JavaScript in order to reduce bytes consumed by network activity.
It is advised to remove unused JavaScript in order to reduce bytes consumed by network activity.
URL | Transfer Size (Bytes) | Potential Savings (Bytes) |
---|---|---| | 599440 | 405167 | | 228085 | 92933 | | 132749 | 60834 | | 100288 | 46843 | | 54928 | 40011 | | 56152 | 24177 |
Reduce initial server response time — Root document took 720 ms
It is advised to keep the server response time short for the main document, because all other requests depend on it.
It is advised to keep the server response time short for the main document, because all other requests depend on it.
URL | Time Spent (Ms) |
---|---| | 723.401 |
Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy — 60 resources found can speed up repeat visits by increasing the cache lifetime, which is essentially how long before a cached copy expires. can speed up repeat visits by increasing the cache lifetime, which is essentially how long before a cached copy expires.
URL | Cache TTL (Ms) | Transfer Size (Bytes) |
---|---|---| | 0 | 730 | | 0 | 714 | | 0 | 708 | | 0 | 613 | | 0 | 467 | | 0 | 357 | | 60000 | 679 | | 600000 | 228085 | | 600000 | 132876 | | 600000 | 104501 | | 600000 | 22421 | | 600000 | 17274 | | 600000 | 14812 | | 600000 | 10617 | | 600000 | 7934 | | 600000 | 6911 | | 600000 | 6741 | | 600000 | 6706 | | 600000 | 5819 | | 600000 | 5568 | | 600000 | 5145 | | 600000 | 4553 | | 600000 | 3147 | | 900000 | 865 | | 14400000 | 13244 | | 86400000 | 56152 | | 86400000 | 7043 | | 1209600000 | 42333 | | 1209600000 | 23704 | | 1209600000 | 16160 | | 1209600000 | 15126 | | 1209600000 | 12423 | | 1209600000 | 9625 | | 1209600000 | 9233 | | 1209600000 | 8184 | | 1209600000 | 7664 | | 1209600000 | 7093 | | 1209600000 | 6344 | | 1209600000 | 6279 | | 1209600000 | 6073 | | 1209600000 | 5827 | | 1209600000 | 5809 | | 1209600000 | 5183 | | 1209600000 | 5052 | | 1209600000 | 4996 | | 1209600000 | 4910 | | 1209600000 | 4807 | | 1209600000 | 4776 | | 1209600000 | 4756 | | 1209600000 | 4554 | | 1209600000 | 4514 | | 1209600000 | 4511 | | 1209600000 | 4433 | | 1209600000 | 4115 | | 1209600000 | 4035 | | 1209600000 | 3876 | | 1209600000 | 3553 | | 1209600000 | 3511 | | 1209600000 | 3178 | | 1209600000 | 3100 |
Avoid an excessive DOM size — 1,687 elements
A large DOM (Document Object Model) will increase memory usage, cause longer system calculations as well as costly layout reflows.
A large DOM (Document Object Model) will increase memory usage, cause longer system calculations as well as costly layout reflows.
Statistic | Element | Value |
Total DOM Elements | 1687 | |
Maximum DOM Depth | 23 | |
Maximum Child Elements | 61 |
Ensure text remains visible during webfont load
Make use of the font-display CSS feature, which will ensure text is user-visible while webfonts are loading.
Make use of the font-display CSS feature, which will ensure text is user-visible while webfonts are loading.
URL | Potential Savings (Ms) |
---|---| | 7.4640000239015 | | 7.2290000971407 |
Reduce the impact of third-party code — Third-party code blocked the main thread for 390 ms
It is advised to either limit, remove or delay the loading of redundant third-party code which may be significantly impacting load performance.
It is advised to either limit, remove or delay the loading of redundant third-party code which may be significantly impacting load performance.
Third-Party | Transfer Size (Bytes) | Main-Thread Blocking Time (Ms) |
851017 | 297.992 | |
686401 | 87.926 | |
224859 | 0 | |
69472 | 0 | |
23392 | 0 | |
16653 | 0 | |
13244 | 0 | |
1443 | 0 | |
1327 | 0 | |
569 | 0 |
Some third-party resources can be lazy loaded with a facade — 1 facade alternative available
Consider replacing third-party embeds with a facade until they are required (use lazy loading).
Consider replacing third-party embeds with a facade until they are required (use lazy loading).
Product | Transfer Size (Bytes) | Main-Thread Blocking Time (Ms) |
YouTube Embedded Player (Video) | 851017 | 297.992 |
Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance
Improve the page's scroll performance by marking touch and wheel event listeners as 'passive'.
Improve the page's scroll performance by marking touch and wheel event listeners as 'passive'.
Source |
Avoid `document.write()`
Avoid or limit the use of external scripts that are dynamically injected via 'document.write()' as users on slow connections will be delayed by tens of seconds.
Avoid or limit the use of external scripts that are dynamically injected via 'document.write()' as users on slow connections will be delayed by tens of seconds.
Source |
Registers an `unload` listener
The 'unload' event does not fire reliably, causing issues with browser optimizations such as the Back-Forward Cache. It is recommended that 'pagehide' or 'visibilitychange' events are used instead.
The 'unload' event does not fire reliably, causing issues with browser optimizations such as the Back-Forward Cache. It is recommended that 'pagehide' or 'visibilitychange' events are used instead.
Source |
Indicates how accessible the page is and highlights opportunities where the page can be made more accessible to users of This includes details about various page attributes that can be optimized.Navigation
`[accesskey]` values are unique
Access keys assist users with focusing on different parts of the page. Each access key should be unique for proper navigation.
Access keys assist users with focusing on different parts of the page. Each access key should be unique for proper navigation.
The page contains a heading, skip link, or landmark region
It is advised to provide ways to bypass repetitive content, allowing users to navigate the page efficiently.
It is advised to provide ways to bypass repetitive content, allowing users to navigate the page efficiently.
`[id]` attributes on active, focusable elements are unique
Ensure all focusable elements have a unique id value to allow them to be visible to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Ensure all focusable elements have a unique id value to allow them to be visible to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Heading elements appear in a sequentially-descending order
Properly order all headers and do not skip heading levels to better the navigation and readability for users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Properly order all headers and do not skip heading levels to better the navigation and readability for users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
No element has a `[tabindex]` value greater than 0
Although technically valid, a tabindex value greater than 0 often creates frustrating experiences for users who rely on assistive technologies.
Although technically valid, a tabindex value greater than 0 often creates frustrating experiences for users who rely on assistive technologies.
`[aria-*]` attributes match their roles
Avoid mismatching 'aria-*' attributes and their 'role' value, as it invalidates the attribute.
Avoid mismatching 'aria-*' attributes and their 'role' value, as it invalidates the attribute.
`button`, `link`, and `menuitem` elements have accessible names
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
`[aria-hidden="true"]` is not present on the document `<body>`
If aria-hidden=true is set on the document body, assistive technologies, like a screen reader will work inconsistently.
If aria-hidden=true is set on the document body, assistive technologies, like a screen reader will work inconsistently.
`[aria-hidden="true"]` elements do not contain focusable descendents
Interactive elements within an aria-hidden=true element are unavailable to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Interactive elements within an aria-hidden=true element are unavailable to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
ARIA input fields have accessible names
Generic names are announced to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader, when an input field does not have an accessible name specified.
Generic names are announced to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader, when an input field does not have an accessible name specified.
ARIA `meter` elements have accessible names
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
ARIA `progressbar` elements have accessible names
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
`[role]`s have all required `[aria-*]` attributes
Some ARIA roles have required 'aria-*' attributes, which provide essential information about state and functionality.
Some ARIA roles have required 'aria-*' attributes, which provide essential information about state and functionality.
Elements with an ARIA `[role]` that require children to contain a specific `[role]` have all required children.
Some ARIA parent roles cannot perform their intended functions if specific child roles are not used.
Some ARIA parent roles cannot perform their intended functions if specific child roles are not used.
`[role]`s are contained by their required parent element
Some ARIA child roles cannot perform their intended functions if specific parent roles are not used.
Some ARIA child roles cannot perform their intended functions if specific parent roles are not used.
`[role]` values are valid
All ARIA roles require valid values to perform their intended functions.
All ARIA roles require valid values to perform their intended functions.
ARIA toggle fields have accessible names
Generic names are announced to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader, when a toggle field does not have an accessible name specified.
Generic names are announced to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader, when a toggle field does not have an accessible name specified.
ARIA `tooltip` elements have accessible names
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
ARIA `treeitem` elements have accessible names
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
`[aria-*]` attributes have valid values
ARIA attributes cannot be interpreted with invalid values when used by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
ARIA attributes cannot be interpreted with invalid values when used by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
`[aria-*]` attributes are valid and not misspelled
ARIA attributes cannot be interpreted with invalid names when used by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
ARIA attributes cannot be interpreted with invalid names when used by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
ARIA IDs are unique
Ensure all ARIA ID values are unique to prevent elements from being overlooked by assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Ensure all ARIA ID values are unique to prevent elements from being overlooked by assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Names and labels
Buttons have an accessible name
Buttons become unusable as they are announced simply as "button" when the button does not have an accessible name, when used by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Buttons become unusable as they are announced simply as "button" when the button does not have an accessible name, when used by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Document has a `<title>` element
Search engines, screen reader users and other assistive technology users rely on the title to provide an overview of the page and to help determine if the page is relevant to their search.
Search engines, screen reader users and other assistive technology users rely on the title to provide an overview of the page and to help determine if the page is relevant to their search.
No form fields have multiple labels
Having multiple labels for form fields can be confusing to assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Having multiple labels for form fields can be confusing to assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
`<frame>` or `<iframe>` elements have a title
Screen reader users and other assistive technology users rely on frame titles to describe the contents of frames.
Screen reader users and other assistive technology users rely on frame titles to describe the contents of frames.
`<input type="image">` elements have `[alt]` text
Input buttons with alternative text assist screen readers and other assistive technology users to understand its purpose.
Input buttons with alternative text assist screen readers and other assistive technology users to understand its purpose.
Form elements have associated labels
Screen readers and other assistive technologies rely on labels to properly announce form controls.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies rely on labels to properly announce form controls.
`<object>` elements have alternate text
It is advised that alt text is used on '<object>' elements in order to provide meaning to screen reader and other assistive technology users, as these technologies are unable to translate non-text content.
It is advised that alt text is used on '<object>' elements in order to provide meaning to screen reader and other assistive technology users, as these technologies are unable to translate non-text content.
Tables and lists
`<dl>`'s contain only properly-ordered `<dt>` and `<dd>` groups, `<script>`, `<template>` or `<div>` elements.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies may produce poor and inaccurate output when definition lists are not properly marked up.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies may produce poor and inaccurate output when definition lists are not properly marked up.
Definition list items are wrapped in `<dl>` elements
In order for screen readers and other assistive technologies to properly announce definition list items ('<dt>' and '<dd>'), they must be wrapped in parent a '<dl>' element.
In order for screen readers and other assistive technologies to properly announce definition list items ('<dt>' and '<dd>'), they must be wrapped in parent a '<dl>' element.
Lists contain only `<li>` elements and script supporting elements (`<script>` and `<template>`).
Use proper list structure to aid screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Use proper list structure to aid screen readers and other assistive technologies.
List items (`<li>`) are contained within `<ul>` or `<ol>` parent elements
In order for screen readers to announce list items, ensure that list items ('<li>') are contained within parent '<ul>' or '<ol>' tags.
In order for screen readers to announce list items, ensure that list items ('<li>') are contained within parent '<ul>' or '<ol>' tags.
Cells in a `<table>` element that use the `[headers]` attribute refer to table cells within the same table.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensure that '<td>' cells using the headers attribute only refer to other cells in the same table, to improve screen reader user experience.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensure that '<td>' cells using the headers attribute only refer to other cells in the same table, to improve screen reader user experience.
`<th>` elements and elements with `[role="columnheader"/"rowheader"]` have data cells they describe.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensure that table headers refer to some set of cells, to improve screen reader user experience.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensure that table headers refer to some set of cells, to improve screen reader user experience.
Internationalization and localization
`<html>` element has a `[lang]` attribute
It is advised to provide a lang attribute so that screen readers and other assistive technologies are guaranteed to announce the page's text correctly. When not provided, the user's default language setting will be used which may cause inaccuracies.
It is advised to provide a lang attribute so that screen readers and other assistive technologies are guaranteed to announce the page's text correctly. When not provided, the user's default language setting will be used which may cause inaccuracies.
`<html>` element has a valid value for its `[lang]` attribute
Specify a valid BCP 47 language in order to help screen readers and other assistive technologies announce text properly.
Specify a valid BCP 47 language in order to help screen readers and other assistive technologies announce text properly.
`[lang]` attributes have a valid value
Specify a valid BCP 47 language on elements in order to help screen readers and other assistive technologies announce text properly.
Specify a valid BCP 47 language on elements in order to help screen readers and other assistive technologies announce text properly.
Best practices
The document does not use `<meta http-equiv="refresh">`
Pages that refresh automatically cause a poor user experience as focus is directed back to the top of the page unexpectedly.
Pages that refresh automatically cause a poor user experience as focus is directed back to the top of the page unexpectedly.
`[user-scalable="no"]` is not used in the `<meta name="viewport">` element and the `[maximum-scale]` attribute is not less than 5.
For users with low vision who rely on screen magnification, ensure that zooming is not disabled.
For users with low vision who rely on screen magnification, ensure that zooming is not disabled.
Audio and video
`<video>` elements contain a `<track>` element with `[kind="captions"]` may provide assistance to deaf or hearing-impaired users with captions on videos. may provide assistance to deaf or hearing-impaired users with captions on videos.
Names and labels
Image elements do not have `[alt]` attributes
Provide short and descriptive alternative text where possible on informative elements.
Provide short and descriptive alternative text where possible on informative elements.
Failing Elements |
Links do not have a discernible name
In order to improve the navigation for screen reader and other assistive technology users, use link text that is unique, focusable and discernible.
In order to improve the navigation for screen reader and other assistive technology users, use link text that is unique, focusable and discernible.
Failing Elements |
Manual Checks
The page has a logical tab order
The visual layout should be logical in its tab order and users cannot focus elements that are offscreen.
The visual layout should be logical in its tab order and users cannot focus elements that are offscreen.
Interactive controls are keyboard focusable
Ensure that custom interactive controls are keyboard focusable and that a focus indicator is displayed.
Ensure that custom interactive controls are keyboard focusable and that a focus indicator is displayed.
Interactive elements indicate their purpose and state
Ensure that interactive elements (such as links and buttons) are distinguishable from non-interactive elements and that they indicate their state.
Ensure that interactive elements (such as links and buttons) are distinguishable from non-interactive elements and that they indicate their state.
The user's focus is directed to new content added to the page
When new content (such as a dialogue) is added to the page, the user's focus should be directed to it.
When new content (such as a dialogue) is added to the page, the user's focus should be directed to it.
User focus is not accidentally trapped in a region
Avoid focus being accidentally trapped when a user tabs in and out of controls or regions on page.
Avoid focus being accidentally trapped when a user tabs in and out of controls or regions on page.
Custom controls have associated labels
Ensure that custom interactive controls have associated labels, which are provided by aria-label and aria-labelledby attributes.
Ensure that custom interactive controls have associated labels, which are provided by aria-label and aria-labelledby attributes.
Custom controls have ARIA roles
Ensure that all custom interactive controls have appropriate ARIA roles.
Ensure that all custom interactive controls have appropriate ARIA roles.
Visual order on the page follows DOM order
Ensure that the DOM order matches with the page's visual order, in order to improve navigation for screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Ensure that the DOM order matches with the page's visual order, in order to improve navigation for screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Offscreen content is hidden from assistive technology
Ensure that offscreen content is hidden through the use of "display:none" styling or the aria-hidden attribute.
Ensure that offscreen content is hidden through the use of "display:none" styling or the aria-hidden attribute.
HTML5 landmark elements are used to improve navigation
Elements such as <main> and <nav> are recommended as they are used by screen readers and other assistive technologies to improve keyboard navigation.
Elements such as <main> and <nav> are recommended as they are used by screen readers and other assistive technologies to improve keyboard navigation.
Best Practices
Indicates the recommended, best practices currently in place on the page and highlights the best practices that should incorporate. This includes practices such as protecting pages with HTTPS.Audits
Avoids requesting the geolocation permission on page load
When requesting a user's location, provide context or consider tying the request to a user action to avoid confusion and mistrust from users.
When requesting a user's location, provide context or consider tying the request to a user action to avoid confusion and mistrust from users.
Avoids requesting the notification permission on page load
When requesting permission to send notifications, provide context or consider tying the request to a user action to avoid confusion and mistrust from users.
When requesting permission to send notifications, provide context or consider tying the request to a user action to avoid confusion and mistrust from users.
Avoids front-end JavaScript libraries with known security vulnerabilities
Ensure that the use of third-party scripts is minimal and that only trusted third-party scripts are used as some may contain known security vulnerabilities which may be exploited by attackers.
Ensure that the use of third-party scripts is minimal and that only trusted third-party scripts are used as some may contain known security vulnerabilities which may be exploited by attackers.
Ensure CSP is effective against XSS attacks
Significantly reduce the risk of cross-site scripting attacks (XSS) by ensuring you have a strong Content Security Policy (CSP).
Significantly reduce the risk of cross-site scripting attacks (XSS) by ensuring you have a strong Content Security Policy (CSP).
Description | Directive | Severity |
No CSP found in enforcement mode | High |
Allows users to paste into password fields
Ensure that password inputs may be pasted into to aid in the user's ability to use password managers and improve security.
Ensure that password inputs may be pasted into to aid in the user's ability to use password managers and improve security.
Displays images with correct aspect ratio
Ensure that image display dimensions match their natural aspect ratio.
Ensure that image display dimensions match their natural aspect ratio.
Serves images with appropriate resolution
For maximum image clarity, ensure images have natural dimensions and are proportional to the display size and pixel ratio.
For maximum image clarity, ensure images have natural dimensions and are proportional to the display size and pixel ratio.
Fonts with `font-display: optional` are preloaded
It is recommended that optional fonts are preloaded.
It is recommended that optional fonts are preloaded.
Page has the HTML doctype
Ensure a doctype is specified to prevent the browser from switching to quirks-mode.
Ensure a doctype is specified to prevent the browser from switching to quirks-mode.
Properly defines charset
It is advised to declare a character encoding, optionally via a <meta> tag in the first 1024 bytes of the HTML or in the Content-Type HTTP response header.
It is advised to declare a character encoding, optionally via a <meta> tag in the first 1024 bytes of the HTML or in the Content-Type HTTP response header.
Detected JavaScript libraries
Below is a list of all front-end JavaScript libraries that were detected on the page.
Below is a list of all front-end JavaScript libraries that were detected on the page.
Name | Version |
React | |
core-js | core-js-global@3.6.5; core-js-global@2.6.5 |
No browser errors logged to the console
Below is a list of all errors logged to the console, which indicate unresolved problems on the site.
Below is a list of all errors logged to the console, which indicate unresolved problems on the site.
Page has valid source maps
Consider deploying source maps for added benefits such as the ability to debug while in production.
Consider deploying source maps for added benefits such as the ability to debug while in production.
URL | Map URL |
---|---| | | | | |
Does not use HTTPS — 1 insecure request found
Ensure that all pages are protected with HTTPS (including those that do not handle sensitive data) as HTTPS prevents tampering and passive listening on communications between the app and its users. Additionally, HTTPS is a prerequisite for HTTP/2 and many new web platform APIs.
Ensure that all pages are protected with HTTPS (including those that do not handle sensitive data) as HTTPS prevents tampering and passive listening on communications between the app and its users. Additionally, HTTPS is a prerequisite for HTTP/2 and many new web platform APIs.
Insecure URL | Request Resolution |
---|---| | Allowed |
Uses deprecated APIs — 1 warning found
Avoid deprecated APIs which will eventually be removed the browser.
Avoid deprecated APIs which will eventually be removed the browser.
Deprecation / Warning | Source |
`Event.path` is deprecated and will be removed. Please use `Event.composedPath()` instead. |
Issues were logged in the `Issues` panel in Chrome Devtools
There may be unresolved issues logged to Chrome Devtools.
There may be unresolved issues logged to Chrome Devtools.
Issue type |
Cookie |
Indicates how well the page is optimized for ranking in search engines and highlights Search Engine Optimization (SEO) opportunities for This includes optimizations such as providing meta data.Mobile Friendly
Has a `<meta name="viewport">` tag with `width` or `initial-scale`
It is advised to use a '<meta name="viewport">' tag for the optimization of on mobile screens.
It is advised to use a '<meta name="viewport">' tag for the optimization of on mobile screens.
Document uses legible font sizes
Font sizes of 12px or less are too small to most mobile users without user gestures and further action. Aim for more than 60% of page text to use font sizes greater than 12px.
Font sizes of 12px or less are too small to most mobile users without user gestures and further action. Aim for more than 60% of page text to use font sizes greater than 12px.
Tap targets are sized appropriately
Interactive elements (such as buttons and links) should be appropriately spaced, sized and easy enough to select or tap with regard to their surrounding elements.
Interactive elements (such as buttons and links) should be appropriately spaced, sized and easy enough to select or tap with regard to their surrounding elements.
Content Best Practices
Document has a `<title>` element
Search engines, screen reader users and other assistive technology users rely on the title to provide an overview of the page and to help determine if the page is relevant to their search.
Search engines, screen reader users and other assistive technology users rely on the title to provide an overview of the page and to help determine if the page is relevant to their search.
Document has a meta description
Meta descriptions may be used by search engines when displaying a link to the page and should concisely summarize the page's content.
Meta descriptions may be used by search engines when displaying a link to the page and should concisely summarize the page's content.
Links have descriptive text
Make use of descriptive link text to assist search engines in understanding the content.
Make use of descriptive link text to assist search engines in understanding the content.
Document has a valid `hreflang`
Search engines can be instructed to list specific versions of a page for a given language or region through the use of hreflang links.
Search engines can be instructed to list specific versions of a page for a given language or region through the use of hreflang links.
Document has a valid `rel=canonical`
Search engines can be suggested which URL should be shown in search results through the use of canonical links.
Search engines can be suggested which URL should be shown in search results through the use of canonical links.
Document avoids plugins
The content of plugins cannot be indexed by search engines and many devices either restrict or do not support them.
The content of plugins cannot be indexed by search engines and many devices either restrict or do not support them.
Crawling and Indexing
Page has successful HTTP status code
Avoid pages with unsuccessful HTTP status codes as they may not be indexed by search engines.
Avoid pages with unsuccessful HTTP status codes as they may not be indexed by search engines.
Page isn’t blocked from indexing
Pages that cannot be crawled by search engines cannot be indexed or included in their search results. Ensure that search engines have permission to crawl all pages that should be indexed.
Pages that cannot be crawled by search engines cannot be indexed or included in their search results. Ensure that search engines have permission to crawl all pages that should be indexed.
robots.txt is valid
Malformed robots.txt files prevent crawlers from understanding how a site wants to be crawled or indexed, which can be devastating to SEO.
Malformed robots.txt files prevent crawlers from understanding how a site wants to be crawled or indexed, which can be devastating to SEO.
Crawling and Indexing
Links are not crawlable
Ensure that the 'href' attribute of anchor elements links to the appropriate destination. This allows for more pages of the site to be discovered by search engines.
Ensure that the 'href' attribute of anchor elements links to the appropriate destination. This allows for more pages of the site to be discovered by search engines.
Uncrawlable Link |
Content Best Practices
Image elements do not have `[alt]` attributes
Provide short and descriptive alternative text where possible on informative elements.
Provide short and descriptive alternative text where possible on informative elements.
Failing Elements |
Manual Checks
Structured data is valid
Structured data can be validated through the use of the Structured Data Testing Tool and the Structured Data Linter.
Structured data can be validated through the use of the Structured Data Testing Tool and the Structured Data Linter.
Indicates how valid the aspects of a Progressive Web App (PWA) are for the page and highlights opportunities to enable/improve the PWA of This includes details about web app manifests.PWA Optimized
Content is sized correctly for the viewport
Ensure that the width of the app's content matches the width of the viewport, otherwise the app might not be optimized for mobile screens.
Ensure that the width of the app's content matches the width of the viewport, otherwise the app might not be optimized for mobile screens.
Has a `<meta name="viewport">` tag with `width` or `initial-scale`
It is advised to use a '<meta name="viewport">' tag for the optimization of on mobile screens.
It is advised to use a '<meta name="viewport">' tag for the optimization of on mobile screens.
Provides a valid `apple-touch-icon`
iOS users of Progressive Web Apps will benefit from an apple touch icon, which can be defined with 'apple-touch-icon', which must point to a non-transparent 192px (or 180px) square PNG.
iOS users of Progressive Web Apps will benefit from an apple touch icon, which can be defined with 'apple-touch-icon', which must point to a non-transparent 192px (or 180px) square PNG.
Web app manifest or service worker do not meet the installability requirements — 1 reason
User engagement may be increased by leveraging the browsers ability to proactively prompt users to add the app to their homescreen.
User engagement may be increased by leveraging the browsers ability to proactively prompt users to add the app to their homescreen.
Failure reason |
No manifest was fetched |
PWA Optimized
Does not register a service worker that controls page and `start_url`
A service worker is used to provide Progressive Web Apps the use of features such as working offline, the ability for the app to be added to the homescreen as well as push notifications.
A service worker is used to provide Progressive Web Apps the use of features such as working offline, the ability for the app to be added to the homescreen as well as push notifications.
Is not configured for a custom splash screen
Themed splash screens ensure a high-quality user experience at launch for app users.
View Data
Themed splash screens ensure a high-quality user experience at launch for app users.
View Data
Does not set a theme color for the address bar.
A theme may be applied to the browser address bar, which ideally can be made to match the site.
View Data
A theme may be applied to the browser address bar, which ideally can be made to match the site.
View Data
Manifest doesn't have a maskable icon
Maskable icons are great to ensure that images fill the entire shape when installing the app on a device.
Maskable icons are great to ensure that images fill the entire shape when installing the app on a device.
Manual Checks
Site works cross-browser
Ensure that the Progressive Web App works correctly across every major browser.
Ensure that the Progressive Web App works correctly across every major browser.
Page transitions don't feel like they block on the network
Users perceive apps with responsive, snappy transitions as higher peforming and ensures a great user experience, even on a slow network.
Users perceive apps with responsive, snappy transitions as higher peforming and ensures a great user experience, even on a slow network.
Each page has a URL
Ensure that all pages are deep linkable via URL. They should also be unique for the purpose of shareability on social media.
Ensure that all pages are deep linkable via URL. They should also be unique for the purpose of shareability on social media.
Avg. (All Categories)
Best Practices
1.02 seconds
First Contentful Paint (FCP) 92%
0.03 seconds
First Input Delay (FID) 90%
Simulate loading on mobile
Indicates how well the page is performing and highlights opportunities where performance may be improved for This includes details about optimizing page load times which can result in a better user experience.Metrics
Cumulative Layout Shift — 0.043
Cumulative Layout Shift is the measurement of visible elements collective movement within the viewport.
View Data
Cumulative Layout Shift is the measurement of visible elements collective movement within the viewport.
View Data
Eliminate render-blocking resources
Resources, such as JavaScript and style sheets, can block the first paint of the page. should consider delivering critical JavaScript/style sheets (JS/CSS) inline and deferring all non-critical JS/CSS.
Resources, such as JavaScript and style sheets, can block the first paint of the page. should consider delivering critical JavaScript/style sheets (JS/CSS) inline and deferring all non-critical JS/CSS.
Properly size images
Images can slow down the page's load time. should consider serving more appropriate-sized images.
Images can slow down the page's load time. should consider serving more appropriate-sized images.
Defer offscreen images
Time to Interactive can be slowed down by resources on the page. should consider lazy-loading offscreen and hidden images.
Time to Interactive can be slowed down by resources on the page. should consider lazy-loading offscreen and hidden images.
Minify CSS
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files can contribute to network payload sizes. should consider minifying CSS files.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files can contribute to network payload sizes. should consider minifying CSS files.
Minify JavaScript
JavaScript (JS) files can contribute to network payload sizes and increase script parse times. should consider minifying JS files.
JavaScript (JS) files can contribute to network payload sizes and increase script parse times. should consider minifying JS files.
Reduce unused CSS — Potential savings of 11 KiB
Dead and/or unused rules in Style Sheets (CSS) can contribute to network payload sizes. should consider removing dead rules from style sheets and deferring the loading of CSS not used for above-the-fold content.
Dead and/or unused rules in Style Sheets (CSS) can contribute to network payload sizes. should consider removing dead rules from style sheets and deferring the loading of CSS not used for above-the-fold content.
URL | Transfer Size (Bytes) | Potential Savings (Bytes) |
---|---|---| | 12078 | 11446 |
Efficiently encode images
Unoptimized images can consume more cellular data than what is necessary.
Unoptimized images can consume more cellular data than what is necessary.
Serve images in next-gen formats — Potential savings of 19 KiB
Consider JPEG 2000, JPEG XR or WebP image formats which provide better compression than PNG and JPEG.
Consider JPEG 2000, JPEG XR or WebP image formats which provide better compression than PNG and JPEG.
URL | Resource Size (Bytes) | Potential Savings (Bytes) |
---|---|---| | 25216 | 10153 | | 22105 | 9581.35 |
Enable text compression — Potential savings of 19 KiB
Text-based resources should be served with compression, such as gzip, deflate or brotli.
Text-based resources should be served with compression, such as gzip, deflate or brotli.
URL | Transfer Size (Bytes) | Potential Savings (Bytes) |
---|---|---| | 21897 | 19053 |
Preconnect to required origins
Resource hints, such as 'preconnect' or 'dns-prefetch', may assist in establishing early connections to important third-party origins.
Resource hints, such as 'preconnect' or 'dns-prefetch', may assist in establishing early connections to important third-party origins.
Preload key requests
Key requests can be preloaded by using '<link rel=preload>'. should consider using '<link rel=preload>' to prioritize fetching resources that are currently requested later in page load.
Key requests can be preloaded by using '<link rel=preload>'. should consider using '<link rel=preload>' to prioritize fetching resources that are currently requested later in page load.
Use video formats for animated content
Large GIFs are inefficient for delivering animated content. It is recommended to use MPEG4/WebM videos for animations and PNG/WebP for static images instead of GIF.
Large GIFs are inefficient for delivering animated content. It is recommended to use MPEG4/WebM videos for animations and PNG/WebP for static images instead of GIF.
Remove duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles
Ensure that no duplicate JavaScript modules from bundles exist to reduce bytes consumed by network activity.
Ensure that no duplicate JavaScript modules from bundles exist to reduce bytes consumed by network activity.
Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers — Potential savings of 6 KiB
Polyfills and transforms enable legacy browsers to use new JavaScript features. For bundled JavaScript it is recommended to adopt a modern script deployment strategy using module/nomodule feature detection. This will reduce the amount of code shipped to modern browsers.
Polyfills and transforms enable legacy browsers to use new JavaScript features. For bundled JavaScript it is recommended to adopt a modern script deployment strategy using module/nomodule feature detection. This will reduce the amount of code shipped to modern browsers.
URL | Potential Savings (Bytes) |
---|---| | 5502 | | 218 | | 186 | | 173 | | 86 | | 79 | | 65 | | 59 | | 53 |
Preload Largest Contentful Paint image
It is recommended to preload images used by LCP elements, to improve LCP time.
It is recommended to preload images used by LCP elements, to improve LCP time.
URL | Potential Savings (Ms) |
---|---| | 0 |
Avoids enormous network payloads — Total size was 706 KiB
Large network payloads can cost users money and are linked to long load times.
Large network payloads can cost users money and are linked to long load times.
URL | Transfer Size (Bytes) |
---|---| | 85726 | | 56231 | | 50391 | | 45411 | | 37436 | | 34566 | | 26518 | | 25491 | | 23986 | | 22322 |
Avoid chaining critical requests — 3 chains found
Below is a list of Critical Request Chains, which shows which resources are loaded with a high priority. should consider reducing the length of chains, reducing the download size of resources, or deferring the download of unnecessary resources to improve page load.
Below is a list of Critical Request Chains, which shows which resources are loaded with a high priority. should consider reducing the length of chains, reducing the download size of resources, or deferring the download of unnecessary resources to improve page load.
User Timing marks and measures — 4 user timings
Make use of the User Timing API to measure an app's real-world performance during key user experiences.
Make use of the User Timing API to measure an app's real-world performance during key user experiences.
Name | Type | Start Time (Ms) | Duration (Ms) |
Next.js-before-hydration | Measure | 0 | 3073.252 |
Next.js-hydration | Measure | 3073.252 | 72.254 |
beforeRender | Mark | 3073.283 | |
afterHydrate | Mark | 3145.528 |
All text remains visible during webfont loads
Make use of the font-display CSS feature, which will ensure text is user-visible while webfonts are loading.
Make use of the font-display CSS feature, which will ensure text is user-visible while webfonts are loading.
Keep request counts low and transfer sizes small — 105 requests • 706 KiB
It is advised to add a budgets.json file in order to set budgets for the quantity and size of page resources.
It is advised to add a budgets.json file in order to set budgets for the quantity and size of page resources.
Resource Type | Requests | Transfer Size (Bytes) |
Total | 105 | 723242 |
Script | 39 | 525881 |
Image | 28 | 88979 |
Document | 3 | 38968 |
Other | 28 | 36401 |
Stylesheet | 7 | 33013 |
Media | 0 | 0 |
Font | 0 | 0 |
Third-party | 68 | 632101 |
Lazy load third-party resources with facades
Consider replacing third-party embeds with a facade until they are required (use lazy loading).
Consider replacing third-party embeds with a facade until they are required (use lazy loading).
Largest Contentful Paint element — 1 element found
The element which was identified as the Largest Contentful Paint.
The element which was identified as the Largest Contentful Paint.
Element |
Largest Contentful Paint image was not lazily loaded
Above-the-fold images that are lazily loaded render later in the page lifecycle, which can delay the largest contentful paint.
Above-the-fold images that are lazily loaded render later in the page lifecycle, which can delay the largest contentful paint.
Element |
Avoid large layout shifts — 5 elements found
Below is a list of all DOM elements that contribute to the CLS of the page.
Below is a list of all DOM elements that contribute to the CLS of the page.
Element | CLS Contribution |
0.039990234375 | |
0.00079799602772274 | |
0.00077475342497353 | |
0.00072826821947512 | |
0.00058106506873015 |
Avoids `document.write()`
Avoid or limit the use of external scripts that are dynamically injected via 'document.write()' as users on slow connections will be delayed by tens of seconds.
Avoid or limit the use of external scripts that are dynamically injected via 'document.write()' as users on slow connections will be delayed by tens of seconds.
Avoid long main-thread tasks — 20 long tasks found
Below is a list of the longest tasks on the main thread, which is useful when identifying the worst input delay contributors.
Below is a list of the longest tasks on the main thread, which is useful when identifying the worst input delay contributors.
URL | Start Time (Ms) | Duration (Ms) |
---|---|---| | 7238.0029468536 | 1004 | | 10104 | 415 | | 10572 | 378 | | 9780 | 238 | | 6420 | 206 | | 2791 | 189 | | 8242.0029468536 | 125 | | 8644.0029468536 | 109 | | 8367.0029468536 | 101 | | 8549.0029468536 | 95 | | 11267 | 93 | | 2556 | 91 | | 2340 | 89 | | 10018 | 86 | | 8468.0029468536 | 81 | | 4453 | 78 |
Unattributable | 630 | 71 |
Unattributable | 726 | 70 | | 4152 | 68 | | 7172.0029468536 | 66 |
Avoid non-composited animations — 1 animated element found
It is recommended to avoid non-composited animations which are often janky and increase CLS.
It is recommended to avoid non-composited animations which are often janky and increase CLS.
Element | Name |
Image elements have explicit `width` and `height`
Reduce layout shifts and improve CLS by setting explicit width and height properties on image elements.
Reduce layout shifts and improve CLS by setting explicit width and height properties on image elements.
Has a `<meta name="viewport">` tag with `width` or `initial-scale`
It is advised to use a '<meta name="viewport">' tag for the optimization of on mobile screens.
It is advised to use a '<meta name="viewport">' tag for the optimization of on mobile screens.
Performance budget
It is advised to keep the quantity and size of all network requests under the targets set by the provided performance budget.
It is advised to keep the quantity and size of all network requests under the targets set by the provided performance budget.
Timing budget
It is advised to set a timing budget to monitor the performance of your site.
It is advised to set a timing budget to monitor the performance of your site.
Network Requests
Below is a list of network requests that were made during page load.
Below is a list of network requests that were made during page load.
URL | Protocol | Start Time (Ms) | End Time (Ms) | Transfer Size (Bytes) | Resource Size (Bytes) | Status Code | MIME Type | Resource Type |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | http/1.1 | 0 | 459.36700003222 | 301 | 0 | 301 | text/html | | | http/1.1 | 459.81700019911 | 1106.8700000178 | 479 | 0 | 302 | text/html | | | h2 | 1107.2820001282 | 2137.6380000729 | 34566 | 168001 | 200 | text/html | Document | | h2 | 2156.5820001997 | 2316.9970000163 | 22105 | 22183 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 2156.8170001265 | 2471.9060000498 | 603 | 104 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 2157.1060002316 | 2315.9020000603 | 12078 | 51613 | 200 | text/css | Stylesheet | | h2 | 2157.5290001929 | 2313.7440001592 | 14853 | 46494 | 200 | text/css | Stylesheet | | h2 | 2157.7680001501 | 2477.1090000868 | 1057 | 2146 | 200 | text/css | Stylesheet | | h2 | 2170.214000158 | 2325.3340001684 | 1226 | 2170 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2170.659000054 | 2336.707000155 | 4646 | 8595 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2171.1680002045 | 2331.7220001481 | 50391 | 130255 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2171.3740001433 | 2332.5570002198 | 37436 | 106814 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2171.8150000088 | 2341.2300001364 | 85726 | 270070 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2172.2280001268 | 2333.2550001796 | 22172 | 73405 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2172.7730000857 | 2490.3580001555 | 4890 | 10339 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2173.3340001665 | 2334.4100001268 | 45411 | 144771 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2174.1650002077 | 2330.512000015 | 3966 | 13486 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2174.4130000006 | 2335.8640000224 | 551 | 272 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2174.6500001755 | 2329.0950001683 | 1343 | 2664 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | 2159.1480001807 | 12070.297000231 | 0 | 0 | -1 | Script | || | h2 | 2160.2830002084 | 2322.8120000567 | 15479 | 64030 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2160.5520001613 | 2316.5590001736 | 6741 | 16514 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2160.8710000291 | 2803.8940001279 | 26518 | 119545 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2175.1300001051 | 2344.6440000553 | 13244 | 37537 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2363.2520001847 | 2519.8460000101 | 2459 | 7533 | 200 | text/javascript | Script |
data | 2509.6370000392 | 2509.8180000205 | 0 | 4412 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2512.069000164 | 2512.1630001813 | 0 | 451 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2513.8100001495 | 2513.9120002277 | 0 | 298 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | | | h2 | 2544.014000101 | 2699.7230001725 | 23986 | 89536 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 2722.9720000178 | 2876.8730000593 | 10091 | 32042 | 200 | application/javascript | Script |
data | 2827.2780000698 | 2827.3870002013 | 0 | 1009 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | |
data | 2920.7190000452 | 2920.8990000188 | 0 | 325 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | | | h2 | 2921.9580001663 | 3714.6900000516 | 25491 | 25216 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image |
data | 2923.8860001788 | 2924.0400001872 | 0 | 309 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | | | h2 | 2924.9670000281 | 3544.4470001385 | 2818 | 2544 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image |
data | 2926.5180001967 | 2926.6550000757 | 0 | 425 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | | | h2 | 2927.5880001951 | 3564.9970001541 | 2855 | 2581 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 2928.1760000158 | 3394.7100001387 | 3594 | 3320 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 2928.6450000945 | 3569.9850001838 | 3885 | 3612 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 2929.2210000567 | 3390.3760001995 | 2932 | 2658 | 200 | image/jpeg | Image | | h2 | 3152.1820002235 | 3943.8880002126 | 783 | 646 | 200 | application/json | XHR | | h2 | 3154.0180000011 | 3778.9870002307 | 567 | 14 | 200 | application/json | XHR | | h2 | 3165.8200002275 | 3323.3560000081 | 13740 | 37095 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3166.4420000743 | 3322.6990001276 | 21210 | 81017 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3183.7770000566 | 3338.9260000549 | 8404 | 21764 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3235.8430000022 | 3390.9280002117 | 17274 | 42803 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3244.0900001675 | 4013.180000009 | 14488 | 51740 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3278.597000055 | 3433.2380001433 | 1080 | 833 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 3283.8820000179 | 3440.3470000252 | 1356 | 1061 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 3286.93700023 | 3440.7780000474 | 977 | 730 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 3289.0290000942 | 3442.6480000839 | 2405 | 1906 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 3295.4860001337 | 3449.8850000091 | 2390 | 2093 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 3298.4630002175 | 3613.64100012 | 1238 | 991 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 3300.1030001324 | 3455.201000208 | 1793 | 1325 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 3308.9350000955 | 3464.1620002221 | 1089 | 824 | 200 | text/css | Stylesheet | | h2 | 3309.9880001973 | 3471.4530000929 | 1205 | 1942 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3339.5600002259 | 3496.3510001544 | 14127 | 43837 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | 3417.1620002016 | 3425.938000204 | 0 | 0 | -1 | Ping | || | h2 | 3423.8770001102 | 4266.2620001938 | 221 | 11 | 200 | application/json | XHR | | h2 | 3441.6190001648 | 3602.611000184 | 1225 | 4010 | 200 | text/css | Stylesheet | | h2 | 3442.9630001541 | 3597.6670000236 | 2586 | 7618 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3524.3840001058 | 3700.6540000439 | 502 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | h2 | 3535.9140001237 | 3739.4650001079 | 502 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | h2 | 3719.7400000878 | 3884.5450000372 | 502 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | h2 | 3903.8870001677 | 4057.5460002292 | 470 | 205 | 200 | text/css | Stylesheet | | h2 | 3905.0030000508 | 4059.8300001584 | 1192 | 1607 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 3912.2220000718 | 4066.5570001584 | 288 | 43 | 200 | image/gif | Document | | h2 | 3967.6420001779 | 4122.8640000336 | 3297 | 3568 | 200 | image/png | Image | | h2 | 3969.9550000951 | 4124.3290000129 | 3524 | 3807 | 200 | image/png | Image |
data | 4122.8110000957 | 4122.9080001358 | 0 | 983 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | | | h2 | 4230.7780000847 | 4874.8430002015 | 648 | 556 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | http/1.1 | 4232.7570000198 | 4701.9620002247 | 780 | 640 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | http/1.1 | 4234.5530001912 | 4723.9620001055 | 543 | 308 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 4258.1940002274 | 4630.703000119 | 502 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | h2 | 4467.9410001263 | 4641.512000002 | 502 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | h2 | 4569.2060000729 | 4745.5500001088 | 502 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | h2 | 4570.4940001015 | 4732.9240001272 | 502 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | h2 | 4571.8010000419 | 5037.6480000559 | 502 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | h2 | 4705.7900000364 | 4860.3600000497 | 3522 | 9473 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | 4714.3360001501 | 4717.4270001706 | 0 | 0 | -1 | Ping | || | h2 | 4726.382000139 | 4880.5390000343 | 3525 | 9548 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 4864.7650000639 | 5521.4300001971 | 938 | 515 | 200 | application/json | XHR | | h2 | 4878.2530000899 | 5530.4520002101 | 819 | 169 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 4884.9280001596 | 5585.6790000107 | 22322 | 21897 | 200 | application/json | XHR | | h2 | 5525.1190001145 | 6143.3030001353 | 822 | 172 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 5525.7380001713 | 6001.8070000224 | 204 | 43 | 202 | image/gif | Image | | h2 | 5591.1780002061 | 5752.1450000349 | 2241 | 7168 | 200 | text/css | Stylesheet |
data | 5595.4670000356 | 5595.6430002116 | 0 | 39 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | | h2 | 5598.1130001601 | 6085.6980001554 | 204 | 43 | 202 | image/gif | Image | | h2 | 5718.942000065 | 6210.5010000523 | 502 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR |
data | 5759.4960001297 | 5759.6180001274 | 0 | 664 | 200 | image/svg+xml | Image | | | h2 | 8518.3930001222 | 8680.9270000085 | 502 | 0 | 202 | text/plain | XHR | | h2 | 12086.078000022 | 12413.172000088 | 405 | 0 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 12088.869000087 | 12246.278000064 | 1035 | 1154 | 200 | text/javascript | Script | | h2 | 12089.181000134 | 12710.803000024 | 523 | 43 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | http/1.1 | 12089.728000108 | 12253.166000126 | 687 | 0 | 303 | text/plain | | | http/1.1 | 12090.108000208 | 12211.102000205 | 754 | 0 | 302 | text/html | | | http/1.1 | 12090.467000147 | 12706.270000199 | 584 | 0 | 303 | application/json | | | http/1.1 | 12090.82900011 | 12720.298000146 | 475 | 0 | 302 | image/gif | | | http/1.1 | 12091.215000022 | 12247.85400019 | 777 | 0 | 302 | text/plain | | | http/1.1 | 12211.722000036 | 12872.471000068 | 495 | 0 | 302 | image/gif | | | http/1.1 | 12248.158000177 | 12910.832000198 | 378 | 0 | 302 | text/plain | | | h2 | 12250.756000169 | 12277.916999999 | 7049 | 28560 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | http/1.1 | 12253.475000151 | 12415.12000002 | 640 | 0 | 302 | text/plain | | | h2 | 12286.055000033 | 12323.699000059 | 56231 | 199677 | 200 | application/javascript | Script | | h2 | 12359.841000056 | 12364.726 | 4114 | 12185 | 200 | text/html | Document |,&c13=asid,P2ED650F9-2101-4CB9-845D-ED37E7119BAD&sessionId=gxhoguypunfhrsihamtd5urqrmh0y1671023958&c16=sdkv,bj.6.0.0&uoo=&fp_id=&fp_cr_tm=&fp_acc_tm=&fp_emm_tm=&ve_id=&c30=bldv, | h2 | 12397.021000041 | 12699.038000079 | 943 | 44 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | h2 | 12398.673000047 | 12440.41400007 | 466 | 35 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | h2 | 12415.442000143 | 12573.050000006 | 739 | 35 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | h2 | 12706.560000079 | 12863.588000182 | 739 | 35 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | http/1.1 | 12720.595000079 | 12735.866000177 | 980 | 0 | 302 | text/html | | | h2 | 12736.209000228 | 12743.304000003 | 636 | 170 | 200 | image/png | Image | | http/1.1 | 12872.843000107 | 12922.848000191 | 689 | 43 | 200 | image/gif | Image | | h2 | 12911.295000231 | 13066.826000111 | 717 | 35 | 200 | image/gif | Image |,c01&ca=NA&c13=asid,P2ED650F9-2101-4CB9-845D-ED37E7119BAD&c32=segA,NA&c33=segB,segb01&c34=segC,NA&c15=apn,&sup=1&segment2=&segment1=&forward=0&plugv=&playerv=&ad=0&cr=V&c9=devid,&enc=true&c1=nuid,rxiug5zneqowohuzyadiiypjkdafa1671023958&at=view&rt=text&c16=sdkv,bj.6.0.0&c27=cln,0&crs=&lat=&lon=&c29=plid,16710239582022224&c30=bldv,,&c8=devgrp,&c10=plt,&c40=adbid,&c14=osver,NA&c26=dmap,1&dd=&hrd=&wkd=&c35=adrsid,&c36=cref1,&c37=cref2,&c11=agg,1&c12=apv,&c51=adl,0&c52=noad,0&pc=NA&c53=fef,n&c54=oad,&c55=cref3,&c57=adldf,2&ai=uptkm0h477g&c3=st,c&c64=starttm,1671023959&adid=uptkm0h477g&c58=isLive,false&c59=sesid,&c61=createtm,1671023960&c63=pipMode,&uoo=&c68=bndlid,&nodeTM=&logTM=&c73=phtype,&c74=dvcnm,&c76=adbsnid,&c44=progen,&davty=0&,&sdd=&c62=sendTime,1671023960&rnd=833201 | h2 | 14363.764000125 | 14441.686000209 | 776 | 44 | 200 | image/gif | Image |
Network Round Trip Times — 0 ms
High Network RTT (Round Trip Times) can have a large impact on performance. Providing servers geographically closer to the user could improve performance.
High Network RTT (Round Trip Times) can have a large impact on performance. Providing servers geographically closer to the user could improve performance.
Server Backend Latencies — 0 ms
High server latencies indicate the server is overloaded or has a poor backend performance.
High server latencies indicate the server is overloaded or has a poor backend performance.
Below is a list of the top-level main thread tasks that executed during page load.
Below is a list of the top-level main thread tasks that executed during page load.
Start Time (Ms) | End Time (Ms) |
2144.122 | 22.147 |
2166.792 | 6.988 |
2350.75 | 14.324 |
2480.672 | 17.041 |
2497.753 | 10.516 |
2508.748 | 32.56 |
2707.778 | 16.457 |
2812.808 | 10.927 |
2826.374 | 45.303 |
2874.854 | 20.326 |
2896.883 | 14.395 |
2911.291 | 6.21 |
2918.097 | 33.915 |
2956.932 | 19.461 |
2976.42 | 250.962 |
3238.07 | 31.236 |
3270.474 | 6.424 |
3276.955 | 25.21 |
3316.482 | 12.744 |
3341.247 | 24.081 |
3368.134 | 17.777 |
3385.932 | 10.099 |
3405.824 | 20.166 |
3429.695 | 51.6 |
3512.263 | 59.598 |
3579.658 | 23.631 |
3616.976 | 11.493 |
3636 | 6.927 |
3900.941 | 6.54 |
3947.648 | 21.429 |
3970.471 | 12.401 |
4018.349 | 103.843 |
4122.223 | 94.261 |
4222.83 | 6.923 |
4235.5 | 17.455 |
4253.641 | 9.263 |
4264.765 | 27.348 |
4364.927 | 7.72 |
4517.669 | 14.636 |
4567.625 | 6.065 |
5357.311 | 5.907 |
5372.595 | 8.074 |
5588.158 | 10.475 |
5598.677 | 29.209 |
5669.445 | 6.703 |
5756.004 | 14.555 |
5770.583 | 10.215 |
7385.363 | 7.596 |
8760.775 | 8.091 |
9397.936 | 6.086 |
10296.822 | 7.863 |
10404.009 | 6.362 |
11410.358 | 9.555 |
12072.228 | 23.59 |
12339.45 | 23.266 |
12370.257 | 9.829 |
12389.694 | 6.705 |
12419.778 | 7.513 |
12517.606 | 7 |
13070.037 | 94.566 |
13164.649 | 9.323 |
13177.378 | 7.841 |
13187.855 | 6.122 |
13194.026 | 11.457 |
13205.695 | 6.29 |
13345.673 | 10.152 |
13427.318 | 7.303 |
14199.91 | 10.475 |
14353.652 | 11.162 |
14434.555 | 5.317 |
15435.404 | 5.383 |
15440.8 | 8.667 |
Script Treemap Data
Provide as required, for treemap app.
Provide as required, for treemap app.
First Meaningful Paint — 3.7 s
The time taken for the primary content of the page to be rendered.
The time taken for the primary content of the page to be rendered.
Reduce unused JavaScript — Potential savings of 61 KiB
It is advised to remove unused JavaScript in order to reduce bytes consumed by network activity.
It is advised to remove unused JavaScript in order to reduce bytes consumed by network activity.
URL | Transfer Size (Bytes) | Potential Savings (Bytes) |
---|---|---| | 85726 | 38224 | | 56231 | 24127 |
Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy — 31 resources found can speed up repeat visits by increasing the cache lifetime, which is essentially how long before a cached copy expires. can speed up repeat visits by increasing the cache lifetime, which is essentially how long before a cached copy expires.
URL | Cache TTL (Ms) | Transfer Size (Bytes) |
---|---|---| | 0 | 780 | | 0 | 648 | | 0 | 543 | | 0 | 466 | | 600000 | 22105 | | 600000 | 17274 | | 600000 | 10091 | | 600000 | 6741 | | 600000 | 3525 | | 600000 | 3524 | | 600000 | 3522 | | 600000 | 3297 | | 600000 | 2405 | | 600000 | 2390 | | 600000 | 2241 | | 600000 | 1793 | | 600000 | 1356 | | 600000 | 1238 | | 600000 | 1080 | | 600000 | 977 | | 600000 | 603 | | 14400000 | 13244 | | 86400000 | 56231 | | 86400000 | 7049 | | 604800000 | 8404 | | 1209600000 | 25491 | | 1209600000 | 3885 | | 1209600000 | 3594 | | 1209600000 | 2932 | | 1209600000 | 2855 | | 1209600000 | 2818 |
Avoid an excessive DOM size — 1,120 elements
A large DOM (Document Object Model) will increase memory usage, cause longer system calculations as well as costly layout reflows.
A large DOM (Document Object Model) will increase memory usage, cause longer system calculations as well as costly layout reflows.
Statistic | Element | Value |
Total DOM Elements | 1120 | |
Maximum DOM Depth | 25 | |
Maximum Child Elements | 26 |
First Contentful Paint — 3.5 s
The time taken for the first image or text on the page to be rendered.
The time taken for the first image or text on the page to be rendered.
Time to Interactive — 10.6 s
The time taken for the page to become fully interactive.
The time taken for the page to become fully interactive.
Speed Index — 7.4 s
The time taken for the page contents to be visibly populated.
The time taken for the page contents to be visibly populated.
Total Blocking Time — 1,900 ms
The total blocking time is the sum of all time periods between First Contentful Paint and Time to Interactive (when task length exceeded 50ms).
The total blocking time is the sum of all time periods between First Contentful Paint and Time to Interactive (when task length exceeded 50ms).
Largest Contentful Paint — 8.9 s
The timing of the largest text or image that is painted.
The timing of the largest text or image that is painted.
Max Potential First Input Delay — 1,000 ms
Users could experience a delay when interacting with the page.
Users could experience a delay when interacting with the page.
Reduce initial server response time — Root document took 1,030 ms
It is advised to keep the server response time short for the main document, because all other requests depend on it.
It is advised to keep the server response time short for the main document, because all other requests depend on it.
URL | Time Spent (Ms) |
---|---| | 1031.341 |
Avoid multiple page redirects — Potential savings of 1,410 ms
Redirects can cause additional delays before the page can begin loading. should avoid multiple or unnecessary page redirects.
Redirects can cause additional delays before the page can begin loading. should avoid multiple or unnecessary page redirects.
URL | Time Spent (Ms) |
---|---| | 630 | | 780 | | 0 |
Reduce JavaScript execution time — 6.3 s
JavaScript (JS) execution time can be lowered by reducing the time required for parsing, compiling and executing JS. Delivering smaller JS payloads may help with this.
JavaScript (JS) execution time can be lowered by reducing the time required for parsing, compiling and executing JS. Delivering smaller JS payloads may help with this.
URL | Total CPU Time (Ms) | Script Evaluation (Ms) | Script Parse (Ms) |
---|---|---|---| | 2750.66 | 368.904 | 10.864 | | 1544.496 | 1482.832 | 11.016 | | 841.368 | 824.028 | 0.492 | | 768.036 | 670.932 | 4.28 | | 698.876 | 678.08 | 9.916 |
Unattributable | 637.324 | 8.356 | 0 | | 566.248 | 541.888 | 3.424 | | 431.892 | 410.54 | 6.7 | | 422.532 | 180.068 | 4.244 | | 202.576 | 185.084 | 3.192 | | 202.348 | 152.408 | 33.124 | | 193.5 | 176.948 | 13.768 | | 156.868 | 137.472 | 19.396 | | 95.592 | 86.604 | 7.924 | | 77.376 | 36.592 | 8.376 | | 63.404 | 57.284 | 5.428 | | 63.08 | 58.812 | 3.212 | | 61.42 | 55.892 | 2.352 |
Minimize main-thread work — 10.0 s
Main-thread work timing can be lowered by reducing the time required for parsing, compiling and executing JS. Delivering smaller JS payloads may help with this.
Main-thread work timing can be lowered by reducing the time required for parsing, compiling and executing JS. Delivering smaller JS payloads may help with this.
Category | Time Spent (Ms) |
Script Evaluation | 6246.916 |
Style & Layout | 1376.068 |
Other | 1373.872 |
Rendering | 528.292 |
Garbage Collection | 217.916 |
Script Parsing & Compilation | 187.644 |
Parse HTML & CSS | 94.404 |
Reduce the impact of third-party code — Third-party code blocked the main thread for 1,320 ms
It is advised to either limit, remove or delay the loading of redundant third-party code which may be significantly impacting load performance.
It is advised to either limit, remove or delay the loading of redundant third-party code which may be significantly impacting load performance.
Third-Party | Transfer Size (Bytes) | Main-Thread Blocking Time (Ms) |
501832 | 1313.324 | |
13244 | 9.016 | |
69579 | 0 | |
1616 | 0 | |
1443 | 0 | |
1327 | 0 | |
584 | 0 |
Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance
Improve the page's scroll performance by marking touch and wheel event listeners as 'passive'.
Improve the page's scroll performance by marking touch and wheel event listeners as 'passive'.
Source |
Registers an `unload` listener
The 'unload' event does not fire reliably, causing issues with browser optimizations such as the Back-Forward Cache. It is recommended that 'pagehide' or 'visibilitychange' events are used instead.
The 'unload' event does not fire reliably, causing issues with browser optimizations such as the Back-Forward Cache. It is recommended that 'pagehide' or 'visibilitychange' events are used instead.
Source |
First Contentful Paint (3G) — 6762 ms
The time taken for the first image or text on the page to be rendered while on a 3G network.
The time taken for the first image or text on the page to be rendered while on a 3G network.
Indicates how accessible the page is and highlights opportunities where the page can be made more accessible to users of This includes details about various page attributes that can be optimized.Navigation
`[accesskey]` values are unique
Access keys assist users with focusing on different parts of the page. Each access key should be unique for proper navigation.
Access keys assist users with focusing on different parts of the page. Each access key should be unique for proper navigation.
The page contains a heading, skip link, or landmark region
It is advised to provide ways to bypass repetitive content, allowing users to navigate the page efficiently.
It is advised to provide ways to bypass repetitive content, allowing users to navigate the page efficiently.
`[id]` attributes on active, focusable elements are unique
Ensure all focusable elements have a unique id value to allow them to be visible to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Ensure all focusable elements have a unique id value to allow them to be visible to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Heading elements appear in a sequentially-descending order
Properly order all headers and do not skip heading levels to better the navigation and readability for users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Properly order all headers and do not skip heading levels to better the navigation and readability for users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
No element has a `[tabindex]` value greater than 0
Although technically valid, a tabindex value greater than 0 often creates frustrating experiences for users who rely on assistive technologies.
Although technically valid, a tabindex value greater than 0 often creates frustrating experiences for users who rely on assistive technologies.
`button`, `link`, and `menuitem` elements have accessible names
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
`[aria-hidden="true"]` is not present on the document `<body>`
If aria-hidden=true is set on the document body, assistive technologies, like a screen reader will work inconsistently.
If aria-hidden=true is set on the document body, assistive technologies, like a screen reader will work inconsistently.
ARIA input fields have accessible names
Generic names are announced to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader, when an input field does not have an accessible name specified.
Generic names are announced to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader, when an input field does not have an accessible name specified.
ARIA `meter` elements have accessible names
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
ARIA `progressbar` elements have accessible names
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
`[role]`s have all required `[aria-*]` attributes
Some ARIA roles have required 'aria-*' attributes, which provide essential information about state and functionality.
Some ARIA roles have required 'aria-*' attributes, which provide essential information about state and functionality.
Elements with an ARIA `[role]` that require children to contain a specific `[role]` have all required children.
Some ARIA parent roles cannot perform their intended functions if specific child roles are not used.
Some ARIA parent roles cannot perform their intended functions if specific child roles are not used.
`[role]`s are contained by their required parent element
Some ARIA child roles cannot perform their intended functions if specific parent roles are not used.
Some ARIA child roles cannot perform their intended functions if specific parent roles are not used.
`[role]` values are valid
All ARIA roles require valid values to perform their intended functions.
All ARIA roles require valid values to perform their intended functions.
ARIA toggle fields have accessible names
Generic names are announced to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader, when a toggle field does not have an accessible name specified.
Generic names are announced to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader, when a toggle field does not have an accessible name specified.
ARIA `tooltip` elements have accessible names
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
ARIA `treeitem` elements have accessible names
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
Without accessible names on elements, screen readers will default to announcing a generic name, which means your content will be less accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
`[aria-*]` attributes have valid values
ARIA attributes cannot be interpreted with invalid values when used by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
ARIA attributes cannot be interpreted with invalid values when used by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
`[aria-*]` attributes are valid and not misspelled
ARIA attributes cannot be interpreted with invalid names when used by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
ARIA attributes cannot be interpreted with invalid names when used by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
ARIA IDs are unique
Ensure all ARIA ID values are unique to prevent elements from being overlooked by assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Ensure all ARIA ID values are unique to prevent elements from being overlooked by assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Names and labels
Buttons have an accessible name
Buttons become unusable as they are announced simply as "button" when the button does not have an accessible name, when used by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Buttons become unusable as they are announced simply as "button" when the button does not have an accessible name, when used by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Document has a `<title>` element
Search engines, screen reader users and other assistive technology users rely on the title to provide an overview of the page and to help determine if the page is relevant to their search.
Search engines, screen reader users and other assistive technology users rely on the title to provide an overview of the page and to help determine if the page is relevant to their search.
No form fields have multiple labels
Having multiple labels for form fields can be confusing to assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Having multiple labels for form fields can be confusing to assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
`<frame>` or `<iframe>` elements have a title
Screen reader users and other assistive technology users rely on frame titles to describe the contents of frames.
Screen reader users and other assistive technology users rely on frame titles to describe the contents of frames.
Image elements have `[alt]` attributes
Provide short and descriptive alternative text where possible on informative elements.
Provide short and descriptive alternative text where possible on informative elements.
`<input type="image">` elements have `[alt]` text
Input buttons with alternative text assist screen readers and other assistive technology users to understand its purpose.
Input buttons with alternative text assist screen readers and other assistive technology users to understand its purpose.
Form elements have associated labels
Screen readers and other assistive technologies rely on labels to properly announce form controls.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies rely on labels to properly announce form controls.
`<object>` elements have alternate text
It is advised that alt text is used on '<object>' elements in order to provide meaning to screen reader and other assistive technology users, as these technologies are unable to translate non-text content.
It is advised that alt text is used on '<object>' elements in order to provide meaning to screen reader and other assistive technology users, as these technologies are unable to translate non-text content.
Internationalization and localization
`<html>` element has a `[lang]` attribute
It is advised to provide a lang attribute so that screen readers and other assistive technologies are guaranteed to announce the page's text correctly. When not provided, the user's default language setting will be used which may cause inaccuracies.
It is advised to provide a lang attribute so that screen readers and other assistive technologies are guaranteed to announce the page's text correctly. When not provided, the user's default language setting will be used which may cause inaccuracies.
`<html>` element has a valid value for its `[lang]` attribute
Specify a valid BCP 47 language in order to help screen readers and other assistive technologies announce text properly.
Specify a valid BCP 47 language in order to help screen readers and other assistive technologies announce text properly.
`[lang]` attributes have a valid value
Specify a valid BCP 47 language on elements in order to help screen readers and other assistive technologies announce text properly.
Specify a valid BCP 47 language on elements in order to help screen readers and other assistive technologies announce text properly.
Tables and lists
List items (`<li>`) are contained within `<ul>` or `<ol>` parent elements
In order for screen readers to announce list items, ensure that list items ('<li>') are contained within parent '<ul>' or '<ol>' tags.
In order for screen readers to announce list items, ensure that list items ('<li>') are contained within parent '<ul>' or '<ol>' tags.
Cells in a `<table>` element that use the `[headers]` attribute refer to table cells within the same table.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensure that '<td>' cells using the headers attribute only refer to other cells in the same table, to improve screen reader user experience.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensure that '<td>' cells using the headers attribute only refer to other cells in the same table, to improve screen reader user experience.
`<th>` elements and elements with `[role="columnheader"/"rowheader"]` have data cells they describe.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensure that table headers refer to some set of cells, to improve screen reader user experience.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies have features to make navigating tables easier. Ensure that table headers refer to some set of cells, to improve screen reader user experience.
Best practices
The document does not use `<meta http-equiv="refresh">`
Pages that refresh automatically cause a poor user experience as focus is directed back to the top of the page unexpectedly.
Pages that refresh automatically cause a poor user experience as focus is directed back to the top of the page unexpectedly.
`[user-scalable="no"]` is not used in the `<meta name="viewport">` element and the `[maximum-scale]` attribute is not less than 5.
For users with low vision who rely on screen magnification, ensure that zooming is not disabled.
For users with low vision who rely on screen magnification, ensure that zooming is not disabled.
Audio and video
`<video>` elements contain a `<track>` element with `[kind="captions"]` may provide assistance to deaf or hearing-impaired users with captions on videos. may provide assistance to deaf or hearing-impaired users with captions on videos.
`[aria-*]` attributes do not match their roles
Avoid mismatching 'aria-*' attributes and their 'role' value, as it invalidates the attribute.
Avoid mismatching 'aria-*' attributes and their 'role' value, as it invalidates the attribute.
Failing Elements |
`[aria-hidden="true"]` elements contain focusable descendents
Interactive elements within an aria-hidden=true element are unavailable to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Interactive elements within an aria-hidden=true element are unavailable to users of assistive technologies, like a screen reader.
Failing Elements |
Background and foreground colors do not have a sufficient contrast ratio.
Many (if not most) users find low-contrast text difficult or impossible to read.
Many (if not most) users find low-contrast text difficult or impossible to read.
Failing Elements |
Tables and lists
`<dl>`'s do not contain only properly-ordered `<dt>` and `<dd>` groups, `<script>`, `<template>` or `<div>` elements.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies may produce poor and inaccurate output when definition lists are not properly marked up.
Screen readers and other assistive technologies may produce poor and inaccurate output when definition lists are not properly marked up.
Failing Elements |
Definition list items are not wrapped in `<dl>` elements
In order for screen readers and other assistive technologies to properly announce definition list items ('<dt>' and '<dd>'), they must be wrapped in parent a '<dl>' element.
In order for screen readers and other assistive technologies to properly announce definition list items ('<dt>' and '<dd>'), they must be wrapped in parent a '<dl>' element.
Failing Elements |
Lists do not contain only `<li>` elements and script supporting elements (`<script>` and `<template>`).
Use proper list structure to aid screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Use proper list structure to aid screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Failing Elements |
Names and labels
Links do not have a discernible name
In order to improve the navigation for screen reader and other assistive technology users, use link text that is unique, focusable and discernible.
In order to improve the navigation for screen reader and other assistive technology users, use link text that is unique, focusable and discernible.
Failing Elements |
Manual Checks
The page has a logical tab order
The visual layout should be logical in its tab order and users cannot focus elements that are offscreen.
The visual layout should be logical in its tab order and users cannot focus elements that are offscreen.
Interactive controls are keyboard focusable
Ensure that custom interactive controls are keyboard focusable and that a focus indicator is displayed.
Ensure that custom interactive controls are keyboard focusable and that a focus indicator is displayed.
Interactive elements indicate their purpose and state
Ensure that interactive elements (such as links and buttons) are distinguishable from non-interactive elements and that they indicate their state.
Ensure that interactive elements (such as links and buttons) are distinguishable from non-interactive elements and that they indicate their state.
The user's focus is directed to new content added to the page
When new content (such as a dialogue) is added to the page, the user's focus should be directed to it.
When new content (such as a dialogue) is added to the page, the user's focus should be directed to it.
User focus is not accidentally trapped in a region
Avoid focus being accidentally trapped when a user tabs in and out of controls or regions on page.
Avoid focus being accidentally trapped when a user tabs in and out of controls or regions on page.
Custom controls have associated labels
Ensure that custom interactive controls have associated labels, which are provided by aria-label and aria-labelledby attributes.
Ensure that custom interactive controls have associated labels, which are provided by aria-label and aria-labelledby attributes.
Custom controls have ARIA roles
Ensure that all custom interactive controls have appropriate ARIA roles.
Ensure that all custom interactive controls have appropriate ARIA roles.
Visual order on the page follows DOM order
Ensure that the DOM order matches with the page's visual order, in order to improve navigation for screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Ensure that the DOM order matches with the page's visual order, in order to improve navigation for screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Offscreen content is hidden from assistive technology
Ensure that offscreen content is hidden through the use of "display:none" styling or the aria-hidden attribute.
Ensure that offscreen content is hidden through the use of "display:none" styling or the aria-hidden attribute.
HTML5 landmark elements are used to improve navigation
Elements such as <main> and <nav> are recommended as they are used by screen readers and other assistive technologies to improve keyboard navigation.
Elements such as <main> and <nav> are recommended as they are used by screen readers and other assistive technologies to improve keyboard navigation.
Best Practices
Indicates the recommended, best practices currently in place on the page and highlights the best practices that should incorporate. This includes practices such as protecting pages with HTTPS.Audits
Avoids requesting the geolocation permission on page load
When requesting a user's location, provide context or consider tying the request to a user action to avoid confusion and mistrust from users.
When requesting a user's location, provide context or consider tying the request to a user action to avoid confusion and mistrust from users.
Avoids requesting the notification permission on page load
When requesting permission to send notifications, provide context or consider tying the request to a user action to avoid confusion and mistrust from users.
When requesting permission to send notifications, provide context or consider tying the request to a user action to avoid confusion and mistrust from users.
Avoids front-end JavaScript libraries with known security vulnerabilities
Ensure that the use of third-party scripts is minimal and that only trusted third-party scripts are used as some may contain known security vulnerabilities which may be exploited by attackers.
Ensure that the use of third-party scripts is minimal and that only trusted third-party scripts are used as some may contain known security vulnerabilities which may be exploited by attackers.
Ensure CSP is effective against XSS attacks
Significantly reduce the risk of cross-site scripting attacks (XSS) by ensuring you have a strong Content Security Policy (CSP).
Significantly reduce the risk of cross-site scripting attacks (XSS) by ensuring you have a strong Content Security Policy (CSP).
Description | Directive | Severity |
No CSP found in enforcement mode | High |
Allows users to paste into password fields
Ensure that password inputs may be pasted into to aid in the user's ability to use password managers and improve security.
Ensure that password inputs may be pasted into to aid in the user's ability to use password managers and improve security.
Displays images with correct aspect ratio
Ensure that image display dimensions match their natural aspect ratio.
Ensure that image display dimensions match their natural aspect ratio.
Serves images with appropriate resolution
For maximum image clarity, ensure images have natural dimensions and are proportional to the display size and pixel ratio.
For maximum image clarity, ensure images have natural dimensions and are proportional to the display size and pixel ratio.
Fonts with `font-display: optional` are preloaded
It is recommended that optional fonts are preloaded.
It is recommended that optional fonts are preloaded.
Page has the HTML doctype
Ensure a doctype is specified to prevent the browser from switching to quirks-mode.
Ensure a doctype is specified to prevent the browser from switching to quirks-mode.
Properly defines charset
It is advised to declare a character encoding, optionally via a <meta> tag in the first 1024 bytes of the HTML or in the Content-Type HTTP response header.
It is advised to declare a character encoding, optionally via a <meta> tag in the first 1024 bytes of the HTML or in the Content-Type HTTP response header.
Detected JavaScript libraries
Below is a list of all front-end JavaScript libraries that were detected on the page.
Below is a list of all front-end JavaScript libraries that were detected on the page.
Name | Version |
React | |
Next.js | 12.2.2 |
core-js | core-js-global@2.6.5 |
Avoids deprecated APIs
Avoid deprecated APIs which will eventually be removed the browser.
Avoid deprecated APIs which will eventually be removed the browser.
Page has valid source maps
Consider deploying source maps for added benefits such as the ability to debug while in production.
Consider deploying source maps for added benefits such as the ability to debug while in production.
No issues in the `Issues` panel in Chrome Devtools
There may be unresolved issues logged to Chrome Devtools.
There may be unresolved issues logged to Chrome Devtools.
Does not use HTTPS — 1 insecure request found
Ensure that all pages are protected with HTTPS (including those that do not handle sensitive data) as HTTPS prevents tampering and passive listening on communications between the app and its users. Additionally, HTTPS is a prerequisite for HTTP/2 and many new web platform APIs.
Ensure that all pages are protected with HTTPS (including those that do not handle sensitive data) as HTTPS prevents tampering and passive listening on communications between the app and its users. Additionally, HTTPS is a prerequisite for HTTP/2 and many new web platform APIs.
Insecure URL | Request Resolution |
---|---| | Allowed |
Browser errors were logged to the console
Below is a list of all errors logged to the console, which indicate unresolved problems on the site.
Below is a list of all errors logged to the console, which indicate unresolved problems on the site.
Source | Description |
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TIMED_OUT |
Indicates how well the page is optimized for ranking in search engines and highlights Search Engine Optimization (SEO) opportunities for This includes optimizations such as providing meta data.Mobile Friendly
Has a `<meta name="viewport">` tag with `width` or `initial-scale`
It is advised to use a '<meta name="viewport">' tag for the optimization of on mobile screens.
It is advised to use a '<meta name="viewport">' tag for the optimization of on mobile screens.
Document uses legible font sizes — 81.48% legible text
Font sizes of 12px or less are too small to most mobile users without user gestures and further action. Aim for more than 60% of page text to use font sizes greater than 12px.
Font sizes of 12px or less are too small to most mobile users without user gestures and further action. Aim for more than 60% of page text to use font sizes greater than 12px.
Source | Selector | % of Page Text | Font Size |
:-webkit-any(article, aside, nav, section) h1 | 4.54% | 10px | |
.Text_Textsmall__fNVCM | 3.81% | 11px | |
.Text_TextxSmall__k3KwA | 0.39% | 10px | |
.xpfStbTwo-footer__label-service | 0.15% | 10px | |
9.63% | < 12px | ||
81.48% | ≥ 12px |
Tap targets are sized appropriately — 100% appropriately sized tap targets
Interactive elements (such as buttons and links) should be appropriately spaced, sized and easy enough to select or tap with regard to their surrounding elements.
Interactive elements (such as buttons and links) should be appropriately spaced, sized and easy enough to select or tap with regard to their surrounding elements.
Content Best Practices
Document has a `<title>` element
Search engines, screen reader users and other assistive technology users rely on the title to provide an overview of the page and to help determine if the page is relevant to their search.
Search engines, screen reader users and other assistive technology users rely on the title to provide an overview of the page and to help determine if the page is relevant to their search.
Document has a meta description
Meta descriptions may be used by search engines when displaying a link to the page and should concisely summarize the page's content.
Meta descriptions may be used by search engines when displaying a link to the page and should concisely summarize the page's content.
Links have descriptive text
Make use of descriptive link text to assist search engines in understanding the content.
Make use of descriptive link text to assist search engines in understanding the content.
Image elements have `[alt]` attributes
Provide short and descriptive alternative text where possible on informative elements.
Provide short and descriptive alternative text where possible on informative elements.
Document has a valid `hreflang`
Search engines can be instructed to list specific versions of a page for a given language or region through the use of hreflang links.
Search engines can be instructed to list specific versions of a page for a given language or region through the use of hreflang links.
Document has a valid `rel=canonical`
Search engines can be suggested which URL should be shown in search results through the use of canonical links.
Search engines can be suggested which URL should be shown in search results through the use of canonical links.
Document avoids plugins
The content of plugins cannot be indexed by search engines and many devices either restrict or do not support them.
The content of plugins cannot be indexed by search engines and many devices either restrict or do not support them.
Crawling and Indexing
Page has successful HTTP status code
Avoid pages with unsuccessful HTTP status codes as they may not be indexed by search engines.
Avoid pages with unsuccessful HTTP status codes as they may not be indexed by search engines.
Links are crawlable
Ensure that the 'href' attribute of anchor elements links to the appropriate destination. This allows for more pages of the site to be discovered by search engines.
Ensure that the 'href' attribute of anchor elements links to the appropriate destination. This allows for more pages of the site to be discovered by search engines.
Page isn’t blocked from indexing
Pages that cannot be crawled by search engines cannot be indexed or included in their search results. Ensure that search engines have permission to crawl all pages that should be indexed.
Pages that cannot be crawled by search engines cannot be indexed or included in their search results. Ensure that search engines have permission to crawl all pages that should be indexed.
Crawling and Indexing
robots.txt is not valid — 216 errors found
Malformed robots.txt files prevent crawlers from understanding how a site wants to be crawled or indexed, which can be devastating to SEO.
Malformed robots.txt files prevent crawlers from understanding how a site wants to be crawled or indexed, which can be devastating to SEO.
Line # | Content | Error |
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51 | 1>f||4<f?1:f)}return n}function dc(){return Ad()}function ac(f,n){function J(){delete uf[rb];f.apply(this,arguments)}for(var O=[],$a=2;$a<arguments.length;$a++)O[$a-2]=arguments[$a];if("apply"in fg){O.unshift(J,n);var rb=fg.apply(vb,O)}else rb=fg(J,n);uf[rb]=!0;return rb}function yc(f){delete uf[f];"apply"in Wd?,f):Wd(f)}function vc(f){U(Ne,f)}function gd(f){for(var n=Ne.length;n--;)if(Ne[n]===f){Ne.splice(n,1);break}}function zc(){return Ne}function kd(f,n){return Og(f,n)}function Ac(f){se(f)} | Unknown directive |
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72 | (Ud={}));var Kd,me,Sg=setTimeout;ya.prototype["catch"]=function(f){return this.then(null,f)};ya.prototype.then=function(f,n){var J=new this.constructor(Ya);Xa(this,new R(f,n,J));return J};ya.prototype["finally"]=function(f){var n=this.constructor;return this.then(function(J){return n.resolve(f()).then(function(){return J})},function(J){return n.resolve(f()).then(function(){return n.reject(J)})})};ya.all=function(f){return new ya(function(n,J){function O(oc,Gc){try{if(Gc&&("object"===typeof Gc||"function"=== | Syntax not understood |
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74 | if("function"===typeof Gc){,function(Rc){O(ec,Rc)},function(Rc){$a[ec]={status:"rejected",reason:Rc};0===--rb&&n($a)});return}}$a[ec]={status:"fulfilled",value:oc};0===--rb&&n($a)}if(!f||"undefined"===typeof f.length)return J(new TypeError(typeof f+" "+f+" is not iterable(cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))"));var $;if(0===$a.length)return n([]);var rb=$a.length;for(J=0;J<$a.length;J++)O(J,$a[J])})};ya.resolve=function(f){return f&&"object"===typeof f&& | Unknown directive |
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76 | f)};var z=ya,w={"!":"%21","~":"%7E","*":"%2A","(":"%28",")":"%29","'":"%27",$:"%24",";":"%3B",",":"%2C"},D;(function(f){f.ANCHOR="A";f.BUTTON="BUTTON";f.FORM="FORM";f.I_FRAME="IFRAME";f.IMAGE="IMG";f.INPUT="INPUT";f.LABEL="LABEL";f.LINK="LINK";f.OPTION="OPTION";f.SCRIPT="SCRIPT";f.SELECT="SELECT";f.STYLE="STYLE";f.TEXT_AREA="TEXTAREA"})(D||(D={}));var va,ab,ub,Kb,Hb=vb.attachEvent,Mb=vb.Worker,$b=Mb&&Mb.prototype.addEventListener,kc=[],td=["touchstart","touchend","scroll"],fd,wd,Xc="abort getAllResponseHeaders getResponseHeader open overrideMimeType send setRequestHeader".split(" "), | Unknown directive |
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151 | display: none; | Unknown directive |
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163 | display: none; | Unknown directive |
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166 | display: none; | Unknown directive |
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172 | display: none; | Unknown directive |
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175 | display: none; | Unknown directive |
176 | }</style><figure class="Image_Image__c3ofJ"><span class="Image_Image__body__LiMrj Image_Image__bodyContain__jWk59 Image_Image__bodyNoBorder__SQroS Image_Image__bodyInheritBackgroundColor__JEfEB" style="background-image:url(;width:29px;height:29px"></span></figure></noscript><figure class="Image_Image__c3ofJ LazyImage__hiddenWhenNoscript"><span class="Image_Image__body__LiMrj Image_Image__bodyContain__jWk59 Image_Image__bodyNoBorder__SQroS Image_Image__bodyInheritBackgroundColor__JEfEB" style="width:29px;height:29px"></span></figure></div></div></article></a></li><li class="LifeToolCustomize_LifeToolCustomize__listItem__G6ZHo"><a href="" data-cl-params="_cl_vmodule:lifetool;_cl_link:tv_18;_cl_position:9;" data-item="18" data-nofollow="on" data-cl-nofollow="on" data-dtname="LifeTool_18"><article class="Exhibit_LifeToolReExhibit__Zzw3x"><h1 class="Exhibit_LifeToolReExhibit__serviceName__317NP">テレビ</h1><p class="Exhibit_LifeToolReExhibit__title___CJqQ" aria-hidden="true"><span class="Text_Text__UFEwT Text_TextxSmall__k3KwA Text_Textheading__Bp3nN Text_Textellipsis__WDwbZ Text_Textbold__2RuKs">テレビ</span></p><div class="Exhibit_LifeToolReExhibit__body__BJneN"><div style="width:100%"><div><noscript><style> | Unknown directive |
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178 | display: none; | Unknown directive |
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181 | display: none; | Unknown directive |
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184 | display: none; | Unknown directive |
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186 | .LazyImage__hiddenWhenNoscript { | Syntax not understood |
187 | display: none; | Unknown directive |
188 | }</style><figure class="Image_Image__c3ofJ"><span class="Image_Image__body__LiMrj Image_Image__bodyContain__jWk59 Image_Image__bodyNoBorder__SQroS Image_Image__bodyInheritBackgroundColor__JEfEB" style="background-image:url(;padding-bottom:29px"></span></figure></noscript><figure class="Image_Image__c3ofJ LazyImage__hiddenWhenNoscript"><span class="Image_Image__body__LiMrj Image_Image__bodyContain__jWk59 Image_Image__bodyNoBorder__SQroS Image_Image__bodyInheritBackgroundColor__JEfEB" style="padding-bottom:29px"></span></figure></div></div></div></article></a></li><li class="LifeToolCustomize_LifeToolCustomize__listItem__G6ZHo"><a href="" data-cl-params="_cl_vmodule:lifetool;_cl_link:carview_28;_cl_position:13;" data-item="28" data-nofollow="on" data-cl-nofollow="on" data-dtname="LifeTool_28"><article class="Exhibit_LifeToolReExhibit__Zzw3x"><h1 class="Exhibit_LifeToolReExhibit__serviceName__317NP">自動車</h1><p class="Exhibit_LifeToolReExhibit__title___CJqQ" aria-hidden="true"><span class="Text_Text__UFEwT Text_TextxSmall__k3KwA Text_Textheading__Bp3nN Text_Textellipsis__WDwbZ Text_Textbold__2RuKs">自動車</span></p><div class="Exhibit_LifeToolReExhibit__body__BJneN"><div style="width:100%"><div><noscript><style> | Unknown directive |
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190 | display: none; | Unknown directive |
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Owner Organization: | Yahoo Japan Corporation |
Full Whois: | [ JPRS database provides information on network administration. Its use is ]
[ restricted to network administration purposes. For further information, ] [ use 'whois -h help'. To suppress Japanese output, add'/e' ] [ at the end of command, e.g. 'whois -h xxx/e'. ] Domain Information: [ドメイン情報] a. [ドメイン名] YAHOO.CO.JP e. [そしきめい] やふーかぶしきがいしゃ f. [組織名] ヤフー株式会社 g. [Organization] Yahoo Japan Corporation k. [組織種別] 株式会社 l. [Organization Type] Corporation m. [登録担当者] HT46858JP n. [技術連絡担当者] KM56800JP p. [ネームサーバ] p. [ネームサーバ] p. [ネームサーバ] p. [ネームサーバ] s. [署名鍵] [状態] Connected (2023/09/30) [登録年月日] 2019/09/27 [接続年月日] 2019/09/27 [最終更新] 2022/10/01 01:02:16 (JST) |
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